Data and R scripts for the manuscript on Pesticides Method Validation
There are 4 folders with the following contents:
- LD_Calculations: Contains data and R scripts for the calculation of limits of detection. The R script creates a csv file with the LDs.
- Precision: Contains data and R scripts for the calculation of intra-day and inter-day precision. The R script creates two csv files with intra-day and inter-day CVs, and graphical representation. <<<<<<< HEAD
- Linearity_Recovery: Contains data and R scripts for the calculation of R2 as a measure of linearity, as well as graphical visualization of the calibration curves, and calculation of recoveries from QCH and QCL preparations.
- Matrix_Effects: Contains data, R scripts and graphical representation for the evaluation of matrix effects and recoveries from synthetic/real urine samples. The Figure produced is presented at the manuscript.