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This terraform plan makes use of chef-backend and chef-server-core to create a Chef HA architecture spread across multiple AWS availability zones within one AWS region. Cross region deployment is not supported with this plan or with chef-backend at this time.

By default, this terraform plan will create a VPC, subnets, security groups, security group rules, frontend nodes (chef-server-core), backend nodes (chef-backend), and an AWS ELB comprised of the frontend nodes.

This plan is rather large and complex. Be sure to read through the README in full.


This terraform plan is designed for near-production use. Please take note as the requirements are extensive

  • Requires:
    • AWS (duh!)
    • Route53 internal and external zones
    • Uploaded to AWS a SSL certificate (wildcard preferred)
    • SSL certificate/key for created instance (local files to upload to instances)
    • Terraform >= 0.7.3
  • Uses public IPs and public DNS
  • Creates default security group as follows:
    • Frontend:
      • 443/tcp: HTTPS from anywhere
      • 80/tcp: HTTP from anywhere
    • Backend:
      • ALL: inside security group
      • 2379/tcp: etcd from Frontend SG
      • 5432/tcp: PostgreSQL from Frontend SG
      • 7331/tcp: leaderl from Frontend SG
      • 9200/tcp: Elasticsearch from Frontend SG
    • SSH Security Group:
      • 22/tcp: SSH from anywhere (default), restrict with ${ssh_cidrs} list
  • Creates subnets spread across AWS AZs
  • Minimum three (3) chef-backend instances required (chef["backend_count"])
  • Minimum two (2) chef-server-core instances required (chef["frontend_count"])
  • Understand Terraform and ability to read the source



Usage as a module has not been tested, however in Terraform 0.7.0 many things are first-class which were not before. Choose to run this way at your own risk


  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Make a local terraform.tfvars file: cp terraform.tfvars.example terraform.tfvars
  3. Edit terraform.tfvars with your editor of choice, ensuring var.chef["accept_mlsa"] is set to true
  4. Test the plan: terraform plan
  5. Apply the plan: terraform apply

Supported OSes

All supported OSes are 64-bit and HVM (though PV should be supported)

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (default)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (pending)
  • CentOS 6
  • CentOS 7 (pending)
  • Others (here be dragons! Please see Map Variables)


These resources will incur charges on your AWS bill. It is your responsibility to delete the resources.


The defaults set forth in the file have been set for good reasons. Please note that a good amount of testing went into defining these defaults and necessary inputs are defined, for your convenience in terraform.tfvars.example

Input variables

Variable Key Description Type Default Value
provider AWS provider map map
access_key AWS access key string
region AWS region for deployment string us-east-1
secret_key AWS secret string
vpc AWS VPC settings map map
cidr CIDR block for VPC string
dns_hostnames Support DNS hostnames (required) boolean true
dns_support Support DNS in VPC (required) boolean true
tags_desc Description tag string Chef HA VPC
tenancy AWS instance tenancy string default
subnets AWS subnet settings map
`key` AWS AZ to create subnet string us-east-1a
`value` Subnet to configure for `key` string
ssh_cidrs List of CIDRs allowing SSH list
ami AWS AMI map map
`key` Key comprised of of os-type-region string View [](
`value` AWS AMI identifier string View [](
os AWS AMI operating system string ubuntu14
ami_user Mapping of AMI OS to AMI username map ubuntu
`key` AMI OS string centos7
`value` Username for `key` string centos
ssl_certificate SSL certificate information map
cert_file Full path to SSL certificate file string
key_file Full path to SSL certificate key file string
elb AWS ELB settings map
certificate AWS identifier for SSL certificate string
hostname Base hostname for AWS ELB string chefelb
tags_desc Description tag string Created using Terraform
chef_backend Chef backend settings map
count Count of chef-backend instances integer 3
version Version of chef-backend to install string 1.1.2
chef_client Version of chef-client to install string 12.12.15
chef_mlsa Chef MLSA licese acceptance string false
chef_org Chef server organization settings map
short Chef server organization short name string chef
long Chef server organization long name Chef Organization string
chef_server Chef server core settings map
count Count of chef-server-core instances integer 2
version Version of chef-server-core to install string 12.8.0
chef_user Chef initial user settings map
email Chef user e-mail address string [email protected]
first_name Chef user first name string Chef
last_name Chef user last name string User
username Chef user username string chef
instance AWS instance settings map
backend_flavor AWS instance type for chef-backend string r3.xlarge
backend_iops Root volume IOPs on chef-backend instance (`io1`) integer 0
backend_public Associate public IP to chef-backend instance boolean true
backend_size Root volume size (GB) on chef-backend instance integer 40
backend_term Root volume delete on chef-backend instance termination boolean true
backend_type Root volume type on chef-backend instance string gp2
ebs_optimized Deploy EBS optimized root volume boolean true
frontend_flavor AWS instance type for chef-server-core string m4.large
frontend_iops Root volume IOPs on chef-server-core instance (`io1`). integer 0
frontend_public Associate public IP to chef-server-core instance true
frontend_size Root volume size (GB) on chef-server-core instance integer 40
frontend_term Root volume delete on chef-server-core instance termination true
frontend_type Root volume type on chef-server-core instance string gp2
tags_desc Description name tag for instances. Created using Terraform
instance_hostname AWS instance base hostname map
backend Chef backend base hostname string chefbe
frontend Chef server core base hostname string chefbe
instance_keys AWS SSH key settings map
key_name AWS key pair string
key_file Full path to matching private key string
instance_store AWS instance store settings map
device AWS instance store device name string xvdb
enabled Use AWS instance store boolean true
filesystem AWS instance store filesystem string ext4
mount AWS instance store mount point string /mnt/xvdb
mount_options AWS instance store mount options string defaults,noatime,errors=remount-ro
domain Domain name string localdomain
r53_zones AWS Route53 zone settings map
internal AWS Route53 internal zone ID string
external AWS Route53 external zone ID string
r53_ttls AWS Route53 TTL settings map
internal Internal record TTL setting integer 180
external External record TTL setting integer 180
etcd_path Path to configure ETCD settings `/opt/chef-backend/service/etcd/env`
etcd_settings Map of settings for ETCD configuration. Key is setting name, value is the value ETCD_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL = 600
etcd_restart_cmd Command issued to restart ETCD service sudo chef-backend-ctl restart etcd

AMI map customization

There following variables work in concert with each other to set a number of required settings ffor this plan to succeed.

  • ami: Map of os-instance[..._type]-provider[region] to AMI ID
  • ami_user: Map of AMI OS to default AMI username
  • os: String containing OS+Version (i.e. Ubuntu 14.04.x LTS = ubuntu14)
  • provider[region]: AWS region

Normally you will not interract with the ami map directly, however if you want to override the AMI selected take note of the following example.

Example: Use newer AMI for default ubuntu14 requires a simple ami override:

ami = {
  ubuntu14-gp2-us-east-1 = "ami-ffffffff"

Example: Custom AMI user with custom AMI image

os = "myos"
ami = {
  myos-gp2-us-east-1 = "ami-ffffffff"
ami_user = {
  myos = "someuser"

Example: Using existing AMIs but with an io1 root volume on chef-backend

instance = {
  backend_flavor  = "r3.xlarge"
  backend_iops    = 6000
  backend_public  = true
  backend_size    = 200
  backend_term    = true
  backend_type    = "io1"
  ebs_optimized   = true
  frontend_flavor = "m4.large"
  frontend_iops   = 0
  frontend_public = true
  frontend_size   = 40
  frontend_term   = true
  frontend_type   = "gp2"
  tags_desc       = "Created using Terraform"

Defaults in ami_user map:

Key Value
centos7 centos
centos6 centos
ubuntu16 ubuntu
ubuntu14 ubuntu
ubuntu12 ubuntu


  • chef_manage_url: URL of the chef server's management interface
  • chef_username: Username for the chef user created
  • chef_user_password: Password for the chef user created
  • knife_rb: Path to the knife.rb file


Runtime sample

You can view a runtime output sample here: tf_hachef_runtime.txt


Please understand that this is a work in progress and is subject to change rapidly. Be sure to keep up to date with the repo should you fork, and feel free to contact me regarding development and suggested direction. Familiarize yoursef with the contributing before making/submitting changes.


Please refer to the


This is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.