This quick talk is intended to get you up and running a sass compiler so you can get down and dirty with sass.
iTerm2 - A terminal replacement for OSX. After installing you can open iTerm from your applications directory.
Install GIT - You all should have this installed already, but if you don't you can download from
git --version
// output -> git version 2.5.1
Cloning our Empty Sass Project Directory
I have created an empty workspace for us to play around in, so lets use git to clone it to an empty directory on our local machine.
git clone [add url here]
Sass Compiler
Installing sass is easy on OSX. Go to your terminal window and paste this command in. You will have to enter your computer password to install.
$ sudo gem install sass
$ sass --version
// output -> Sass 3.4.18 (Selective Steve)
How cool would it be if every time we made a change to our sass file, it would recompile into the css file read by the browser?
sass --watch scss/app.scss:css/app.css
- What is SASS
- Basic Structure and Concept
- How to watch and compile
- What does compile actually do