- ** Only looks decent on mobile... no responsive style yet
This app simply loads the Detroit Red Wing's game schedule for the next seven days ('upcoming week') and displays it in a grid format (intended for mobile use at this point). The NHL API was the only 'free' API that I could leverage, but this is intended to incorporate the Lions, Tigers, and Pistons' schedules as well.
I used this as a practice project to utilize the fetch API and manipulating the returned JSON data into a presentable format.
I had previously began building my own SCSS framework for future project builds, so I opted to use those working pieces as opposed to another framework.
Javescript, HTML, CSS, Sass, Vite
Node.js, Webpack
- Add load animations, style transitions
- Integrate 'load more' capabilities
- Incorporate Lions, Pistons, Tigers... MSU, U of M schedules