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fix: @mel.send "self" arg discovery in the presence of constant arg (
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anmonteiro authored Jan 20, 2025
1 parent 5a88bab commit f311dbf
Showing 3 changed files with 78 additions and 38 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/nix-build.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ jobs:
- ubuntu-latest
- ubuntu-22.04-arm
- ubuntu-24.04-arm
- macos-13
- macos-14

83 changes: 46 additions & 37 deletions jscomp/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -174,8 +174,7 @@ type exprs = E.t list
Invariant : Array encoding
@return arguments and effect
let assemble_args_no_splice (arg_types : specs) (args : exprs) :
exprs * E.t option =
let assemble_args_no_splice =
let rec aux (labels : specs) (args : exprs) : exprs * exprs =
match (labels, args) with
| [], _ ->
@@ -191,13 +190,15 @@ let assemble_args_no_splice (arg_types : specs) (args : exprs) :
(append_list acc accs, List.append new_eff eff)
| _ :: _, [] -> assert false
let args, eff = aux arg_types args in
( args,
match eff with
| [] -> None
| x :: xs ->
(* FIXME: the order of effects? *)
Some (E.fuse_to_seq x xs) )

fun (args : exprs) (arg_types : specs) : (exprs * E.t option) ->
let args, eff = aux arg_types args in
( args,
match eff with
| [] -> None
| x :: xs ->
(* FIXME: the order of effects? *)
Some (E.fuse_to_seq x xs) )

let assemble_args_has_splice (arg_types : specs) (args : exprs) :
exprs * E.t option * bool =
@@ -266,19 +267,30 @@ let translate_scoped_module_val
let start = E.js_global x in
List.fold_left ~init:start (rest @ [ fn ]))

let js_send_self_and_args args arg_types ~self_idx =
(* PR2162 [self_type] more checks in syntax:
let translate_ffi =
let js_send_self_and_args =
let rec aux ~self_idx args specs (acc_args, acc_specs, cur_idx) =
match (args, specs) with
| [], [] -> assert false
| ( _ :: _,
(* constant args get elided from the `external type` but not the arg
specs. *)
({ External_arg_spec.arg_type = Arg_cst _; _ } as spec) :: specs ) ->
aux ~self_idx args specs (acc_args, spec :: acc_specs, cur_idx + 1)
| self :: args, spec :: specs ->
if self_idx = cur_idx then
(* PR2162 [self_type] more checks in syntax:
- should not be [@as] *)
let[@ocaml.warning "-partial-match"] args_pre, self :: args_post =
List.split_at args self_idx
( self,
List.rev_append acc_args args,
List.rev_append acc_specs specs )
aux ~self_idx args specs
(self :: acc_args, spec :: acc_specs, cur_idx + 1)
| [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] -> assert false
fun args arg_types ~self_idx -> aux args arg_types ~self_idx ([], [], 0)
let[@ocaml.warning "-partial-match"] ( arg_types_pre,
_self_types :: arg_types_post ) =
List.split_at arg_types self_idx
(self, args_pre @ args_post, arg_types_pre @ arg_types_post)

let translate_ffi =
let translate_scoped_access scopes obj =
match scopes with
| [] -> obj
@@ -322,7 +334,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
(if dynamic then splice_fn_apply fn args
else ~info:{ arity = Full; call_info = Call_na } fn args)
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff eff
@@ ~info:{ arity = Full; call_info = Call_na } fn args)
| Js_module_as_fn { external_module_name; variadic } ->
@@ -334,7 +346,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
(if dynamic then splice_fn_apply fn args
else ~info:{ arity = Full; call_info = Call_na } fn args)
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
(* TODO: fix in rest calling convention *)
add_eff eff
( ~info:{ arity = Full; call_info = Call_na } fn args)
@@ -357,7 +369,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
add_eff eff
(if dynamic then splice_fn_new_apply fn args else E.new_ fn args)
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff eff
(* (match cxt.continuation with *)
(* | Declare (let_kind, id) -> *)
@@ -381,7 +393,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
| Pipe, false ->
let args, self = List.split_at_last args in
let arg_types, _ = List.split_at_last arg_types in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff eff
(let self = translate_scoped_access scopes self in
process_send ~new_ self name args)
@@ -390,9 +402,9 @@ let translate_ffi =
js_send_self_and_args args arg_types ~self_idx
let args, eff, dynamic = assemble_args_has_splice arg_types args in
let self = translate_scoped_access scopes self in
add_eff eff
(let self = translate_scoped_access scopes self in
if dynamic then
(if dynamic then
match new_ with
| true -> splice_fn_new_apply ( self name) args
| false -> splice_obj_fn_apply self name args
@@ -401,12 +413,9 @@ let translate_ffi =
let self, args, arg_types =
js_send_self_and_args args arg_types ~self_idx
(* PR2162 [self_type] more checks in syntax:
- should not be [] *)
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
add_eff eff
(let self = translate_scoped_access scopes self in
process_send ~new_ self name args))
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
let self = translate_scoped_access scopes self in
add_eff eff (process_send ~new_ self name args))
| Js_module_as_var module_name -> external_var ~dynamic_import module_name
| Js_var { name; external_module_name; scopes } ->
(* TODO #11
@@ -418,7 +427,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
| Js_module_as_class module_name ->
let fn = external_var ~dynamic_import module_name in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
(* TODO: fix in rest calling convention *)
add_eff eff
((match cxt.continuation with
@@ -428,7 +437,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
| EffectCall _ | NeedValue _ -> ());
E.new_ fn args)
| Js_get { name; scopes } -> (
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff cur_eff
match args with
@@ -438,7 +447,7 @@ let translate_ffi =
| _ -> assert false (* Note these assertion happens in call site *))
| Js_set { name; scopes } -> (
(* assert (js_splice = false) ; *)
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff cur_eff
match (args, arg_types) with
@@ -447,14 +456,14 @@ let translate_ffi =
E.assign ( obj name) v
| _ -> assert false)
| Js_get_index { scopes } -> (
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff cur_eff
match args with
| [ obj; v ] -> E.array_index (translate_scoped_access scopes obj) v
| _ -> assert false)
| Js_set_index { scopes } -> (
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice arg_types args in
let args, cur_eff = assemble_args_no_splice args arg_types in
add_eff cur_eff
match args with
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions test/blackbox-tests/mel-send-mel-this.t
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -54,3 +54,34 @@ Test: relax of `pushMany` to skip over [@mel.this]
arr.push(1, 2);
/* Not a pure module */
$ cat > <<EOF
> type t
> external foo : int -> int -> (_ [ 1]) -> (t[@mel.this]) -> unit =
> "foo" [@@mel.send]
> external bar : int -> int -> (_ [ 1]) -> unit =
> "bar" [@@mel.send.pipe: t]
> let () =
> let arr: t = Obj.magic [| 0; 1; 2 |] in
> bar 1 0 arr;
> foo 1 0 arr;
$ OCAMLRUNPARAM=b melc -ppx melppx
// Generated by Melange
'use strict';
const arr = [
];, 0, 1);, 0, 1);
/* Not a pure module */

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