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Showing 2 changed files with 42 additions and 9 deletions.
44 changes: 37 additions & 7 deletions src/main/java/mekanism/common/lib/radiation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ public ResourceKey<DamageType> getRadiationDamageTypeKey() {

public double getRadiationLevel(Entity entity) {
if (radiationTable.isEmpty()) {//Short circuit when the radiation table is empty
return BASELINE;
return getRadiationLevel(GlobalPos.of(entity.level().dimension(), entity.blockPosition()));

@@ -199,24 +202,49 @@ public void removeRadiationSource(GlobalPos pos) {

public double getRadiationLevel(GlobalPos pos) {
if (radiationTable.isEmpty()) {//Short circuit when the radiation table is empty
return BASELINE;
return getRadiationLevelAndMaxMagnitude(pos).level();

public LevelAndMaxMagnitude getRadiationLevelAndMaxMagnitude(Entity entity) {
if (radiationTable.isEmpty()) {//Short circuit when the radiation table is empty
return LevelAndMaxMagnitude.BASELINE;
return getRadiationLevelAndMaxMagnitude(GlobalPos.of(entity.level().dimension(), entity.blockPosition()));

public LevelAndMaxMagnitude getRadiationLevelAndMaxMagnitude(GlobalPos pos) {
if (radiationTable.isEmpty()) {//Short circuit when the radiation table is empty
return LevelAndMaxMagnitude.BASELINE;
double level = BASELINE;
double maxMagnitude = BASELINE;
Chunk3D center = new Chunk3D(pos);
int radius = MekanismConfig.general.radiationChunkCheckRadius.get();
// we only compute exposure when within the MAX_RANGE bounds
double maxRange = Mth.square(MekanismConfig.general.radiationChunkCheckRadius.get() * 16);
for (Chunk3D chunk : new Chunk3D(pos).expand(MekanismConfig.general.radiationChunkCheckRadius.get())) {
for (Map.Entry<GlobalPos, RadiationSource> entry : radiationTable.row(chunk).entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().pos().distSqr(pos.pos()) <= maxRange) {
RadiationSource source = entry.getValue();
level += computeExposure(pos, source);
maxMagnitude = Math.max(maxMagnitude, source.getMagnitude());
double maxRange = Mth.square(radius * 16);
int minX, maxX, minZ, maxZ;
if (radius == 1) {
maxX = minX = center.x;
maxZ = minZ = center.z;
} else {
minX = center.x - radius;
minZ = center.z - radius;
maxX = center.x + radius;
maxZ = center.z + radius;
//Note: We inline the logic from Chunk3D#expand to avoid allocating a new hash set each time
for (int i = minX; i <= maxX; i++) {
for (int j = minZ; j <= maxZ; j++) {
Chunk3D chunk = new Chunk3D(center.dimension, i, j);
for (Map.Entry<GlobalPos, RadiationSource> entry : radiationTable.row(chunk).entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().pos().distSqr(pos.pos()) <= maxRange) {
RadiationSource source = entry.getValue();
level += computeExposure(pos, source);
maxMagnitude = Math.max(maxMagnitude, source.getMagnitude());
@@ -496,6 +524,8 @@ public void onLivingTick(LivingTickEvent event) {

public record LevelAndMaxMagnitude(double level, double maxMagnitude) {

private static final LevelAndMaxMagnitude BASELINE = new LevelAndMaxMagnitude(RadiationManager.BASELINE, RadiationManager.BASELINE);

public enum RadiationScale {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -41,10 +41,13 @@ public void update() {
if (!entity.isAlive() || entity instanceof Player player && !MekanismUtils.isPlayingMode(player)) {
double radiation = getRadiation();
if (radiation <= RadiationManager.BASELINE) {
//NO-OP, the entity isn't actually irradiated

RandomSource rand = entity.level().getRandom();
double radiation = getRadiation();
double minSeverity = MekanismConfig.general.radiationNegativeEffectsMinSeverity.get();
double severityScale = RadiationScale.getScaledDoseSeverity(radiation);
double chance = minSeverity + rand.nextDouble() * (1 - minSeverity);

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