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Includes code for new check(s)
Identifies Issues that might make a good starting point for new devs (quick/simple/self-contained)
Fixes/enhancements to the docs
Additional functionality that never existed before
Issues/PRs for features/changes I'm not sure about; feedback and voting is greatly appreciated!
Additional information required from user or community
Problems/improvements to RPM/DEB packaging or GNU autotools infrastructure
Changes or fixes for particular OSs or BASH versions
Urgent, high-priority issue/PR for 1.4.4, post-1.4.3 hotfix branch
Requires rethinking and/or rewriting of a large swath of code
Issues/RFEs that are (or may be) security-significant
Problems related to the built-in test suite, the SHUT framework, debug/trace modes, etc.
Improvements in the user interface/experience
Confusing, strange, misleading, or otherwise problematic UX
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