VarexJ is a variability-aware interpreter for Java(8) bytecode based on Java Pathfinder v7.0 (rev 1155+) see:
JDK 8 is required.
Import the project into eclipse.
Use gradle to build the project (e.g., ./gradlew build)
Within Eclipse you can use the gradle plugin:
- On the "build.gradle" file Run as/Gradle build... Specify "build" at the Gradle Tasks page and press run
- You may need to generate eclipse project files: Specify "eclipse" at the Gradle Tasks page
For recent versions of Java 8, include the commented lines in src/classes/java/
Variability-Aware options:
- set feature expression [SAT, BDD]
- set choice type [TreeChoice, MapChoice]
- define constraints of the application with a dimacs file can be created with FeatureIDE (
- set method frame [StackHandler] (currently only one type supported)
import gov.nasa.jpf.annotation.Conditional;
static FEATURE = true;
FEATURE is used as if it has both values true and false.
a) as test: see test package "cmu.*", it contains several examples for variability-aware execution
b) as JVM via command line:
java -jar ..\RunJPF.jar +native_classpath=.."path to VarexJ"\lib\* +featuremodel="path to the feature model"\model.dimacs +choice=TreeChoice +factory=BDD +classpath="path to the application"\bin\ A.B.Main args
c) using a main method:
public static void main(String[] _) {
String path = "C:/Project/";
String[] args = {
"+classpath=" + path + "bin",
"+featuremodel=" + path + "model.dimacs",