Please find the problem statement here.
- All the scipts that I have created were tested successfully on macOS & other Linux based OSes with Python 2.7.10 or Python 3 installed on the system.
- Unclutter any directory from desktop, documents, downloads, music, videos, pictures
It unclutters the selected directory by moving all the files on the directory with an extension e.g .jpg, .pdf etc. in a new folder named after the extension in the Documents folder. for e.g
If user has 3 pdf, 10 mp3 and 4 jpg files on the desktop then 3 folders namely PDFs, MP3s, JPGs will be created in the Documents folder and all the files will be moved in their respective folders.
To unclutter desktop on your system run the script
To unclutter any other directory from Downloads, Documents, Music, Pictures, Videos, Movies provide the directory name as a command line argument e.g. To unclutter Downloads run
python downloads
- List top n files on the system based on size.
To list top 10 files on your system by size, run the script
This script recursively goes through various directories under /home like Documents, Videos, Pictures, Downloads, Music, Movies and lists the top files by size among all the files.
Output is present in the file topfiles.html on the Desktop.
NOTE - Only common directories like listed above are recursively searched to save unneccessarily going through system files that makes the script take a little more time.
To scan all directories pass the command line argument 'all' to the script '' i.e run python all
. (This might take more time than usual)
To list n number of files on the system by size, provide n as a command line argument to the script for e.g
To see top 50 files by size on your system run
python 50
- Your computer's own history.
Someone used your system and not sure what they accessed? Look at the most recently accessed files on your system by providing the command line argument 'lat' to the script e.g.
python lat
By default it will return top 10 recently accessed files on the system, To view n number of files provide a command line argument n before 'lat' for e.g To view 50 most recently accessed files on your system run
python 50 lat
- Recommended files to delete on the system.
Often we'd like to free up some space on our system but are really unsure of what we might delete. To view the 10 most earliest in time accessed files on your system run the script '' with the command line argument 'eat' i.e
python eat
By default it will return 10 of the most earliest accessed files, to view n number of earliest accessed files provide n as a command line argument for e.g. To view 50 most earliest accessed files on your system Run
python 50 eat
Please note that the 'recomended files to delete' feature accesses the last access time of the files by using os.stat(path).st_atime attribute, In some cases files which have been imported from external source like downloaded from the internet might give last access time as something older than the system. Since this is a minimum viable product, I have not taken that into consideration in the code, I shall make commits to modify this feature in future
- Voice controlled by Alexa.
If too lazy to run any script on the system, I created an Alexa skill to setup a remote connection to any system using Paramiko a Python implementation of the SSHv2 protocol by running a AWS Lambda function and then execute commands on the remote system by giving instructions to your echo device like, 'Alexa, Unclutter my desktop', 'Alexa, list top files by size'. Please find the attached video for demo.
Below infrastructure map shows how Alexa skill to execute commands using your echo device works.
NOTE : Since the Alexa skill is not published on the Alexa skill store, any other echo device might not understand the Unclutter my desktop or List top files command. However I have provided the code for the AWS Lambda function that serves as the endpoint for this skill in the file
.It will give an idea of how the skill actually works.
Lambda Function ARN : arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:372942179917:function:mehulsGirlfriendOnAlexa
I really believe in the accessiblity that voice based assistants like Alexa, Google Assistant etc provide. I personally think a lot of cool things are waiting to be built using these.