Updating Bootloader Error : If you get such error when you try to update bootloader with Arduino Ide ; "Usage: adafruit-nrfutil.exe dfu serial [OPTIONS] Error: Invalid value for "-pkg" / "--package": Path "...bootloader/feather_nrf52832/" does not exist. Error while burning bootloader."
You may try this solution with your own responsibility;
Download Bootloader manually (Download zip file)
Move it in to "C:\Users...\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\adafruit\hardware\nrf52\0.14.0\tools\adafruit-nrfutil\win32"
Connect DFU pin to Gnd on device then reset it while
Run this command in command line (Set your own COM and File name) ; adafruit-nrfutil.exe --verbose dfu serial --package --port COM12 -b 115200 -- singlebank --touch 1200
If successfully uploaded , disconnect DFU and gnd pin then reset again.
Device is ready to use.
Arduino Ide ile yuklerken Bootloader Hatasi : Arduino Ide ile yuklerken assagidaki gibi bir hata aliyorsaniz; "Usage: adafruit-nrfutil.exe dfu serial [OPTIONS] Error: Invalid value for "-pkg" / "--package": Path "...bootloader/feather_nrf52832/feather_nrf52832_bootloader-" does not exist. Error while burning bootloader."
Sorumluluk sizde olmak kaydiyla su adimlari deneyebilirsiniz;
Bootloaderi assagidaki siteden indirin (zip dosyasini indirin)
Bu klasore konuma kopyalayin to "C:\Users...\Documents\ArduinoData\packages\adafruit\hardware\nrf52\0.14.0\tools\adafruit- nrfutil\win32"
Dfu ile gnd uclarini birlestirip ,reset verin
Bu komutu windows cmd ekraninda kosturun (komut icindeki COM numarasi ve dosya adini elinizdekilere uygun guncelleyin,ayrica cmd exe neredeyse orada olsun ) ; adafruit-nrfutil.exe --verbose dfu serial --package --port COM12 -b 115200 -- singlebank --touch 1200
Islem basarili tamamlanirsa , onceden birlestirdiginiz dfu ile gnd yi ayirip tekrar reset verin
Kullanima hazir.