React is a JS library that builds dynamic and interactive UI.
No need to update DOM elements. React will take care of it.
Components will help us write reusable, modular and better organized code
React application is a tree of components with App being the root
Uses Virtual DOM
React is a library, Angular and Vue are Frameworks
Install React Dev Tools to get more insight into the React App on the browser
To create a React App: use official too "Create React App" or Vite
Using Vite:
- npm create [email protected]
- make required selections
- using typescript
- cd react-app
- npm i
- npm run dev
Key files:
- node_modules: third party libraries are installed
- public: images/video files
- src: Source folder of the application
- index.html: entry point to our application
element - package.json: info about the project and its dependencies, dev dependencies
- tsconfig.json: Typescript configuration file to tell the ts compiler how to compile our code to js
Instead of using
to wrap into a single react element, use Fragment -
- cmd+shift+P -> wrap with abbr
- cmd+shift+P -> format document
- cmd+d: to select multiple similar words
- Wrap the code with
<> </>
to let React know we have a Fragment