Backwards/forwards Markov text generator. Can generate sentences around a specified seed word or words.
Text cleaning and processing utils that are especially friendly to Slack and Hipchat content.
The expected corpus should be one message or sentence per line in a txt file.:sparkles: Currently the TextUtils can be used to take raw chat sentences and remove the @mentions and URLs while leaving the emoticons. It can also tokenize or remove punctuation. Now you have cleaned sentences.
Feed those cleaned sentences into the model builder of Bigrammer, and then you can generate sentences. Optionally pass in a seed word and it will generate a sentence with that word somewhere in the middle, or return null if that word doesn't exist in the source model. You can also pass in two seed words, and if they occur in the corpus adjacent and in that order, it will happily generate a sentence around the two words.
The model can be serialized to a file and loaded as needed instead of generating it every time.
Example usage can be found in the MarkovGenerator class. A sample corpus, Alice in Wonderland, is in the root directory as alice.txt
✨ I use a quick 'n dirty python script to preprocess the hipchat export. I'll put it up here in a future release.
The MarkovGenerator's main() method takes two arguments: a path to a corpus file, and the name of the output model file. The input corpus file contains one message per line, e.g.
:hieverybody: Test. Test. Is this thing on?
@here can someone take a look at that pull request
You can make poems from your model! See example usage in PoemGenerator. This uses the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary.
- Poet: Major overhaul of rhyming algorithm #4
- PoemGenerator: Adds multiple sample rhyme words
- BigramModelBuilder: Pulls model building into a utility class #3
- Java 8 (arguably should've waited for a major version release but no one is going to miss Java 7)
- Bigrammer updates:
- Allow input sentences with fewer than three words
- New method to specify min/max word count during generation
- New method to modify max generated length on the fly
- Major bug and logic fixes
- TextUtils updates:
- Add support for cleaning Slack corpus as well as Hipchat
- All-in-one convenience method
- Major cleaning upgrades
- So many tests!
- Poet: find words that rhyme with a seed word
- PoemGenerator: example usage of how to make a poem from your Bigrammer model based on a seed word
- Ability to generate either forwards-only or backwards-only sentences from single seed word
- Even more text utils
- Ability to generate a phrase around two seed words instead of just one
- Sample corpus for trying out model building
compile "com.github.megallo:markoverator:2.3.0"
This module uses a Gradle-based build system. In the instructions
below, ./gradlew
is invoked from the root of the source tree and serves as
a cross-platform, self-contained bootstrap mechanism for the build. The only
prerequisites are Git and JDK 1.8+.
git clone git://
./gradlew build
./gradlew install
This module is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.