Node Module for integrating CCAvenue Payment gateway in Node.js
Before using this module, please make sure you have your merchant_id and working_key for test and production environment from CCAVenue payment gateway.
$ npm install node-ccavenue --save
$ yarn add node-ccavenue
Make sure your test / production workingKey and merchantId are stored as environment variables (best practice)
const nodeCCAvenue = require('node-ccavenue');
const ccav = new nodeCCAvenue.Configure({
merchant_id: process.env.merchant_id,
working_key: process.env.test_working_key || process.env.prod_working_key,
You are free to use the encryption and decryption methods from the package. Which are exported as is.
const encryptedData = ccav.encrypt('Just plain text to encrypt or uri encoded order information');
console.log(encryptedData); // Proceed further
const decryptedData = ccav.decrypt(encryptedData);
console.log(decryptedData); // Proceed further
No need to use the encrypt function in this case.
const orderParams = {
order_id: 8765432,
currency: 'INR',
amount: '100',
redirect_url: encodeURIComponent(`http://localhost:3000/api/redirect_url/`),
billing_name: 'Name of the customer',
// etc etc
const encryptedOrderData = ccav.getEncryptedOrder(orderParams);
console.log(encryptedOrderData); // Proceed further
// Considering this is your redirect_url'/api/redirect_url', (req, res) => {
const { encResp } = req.body;
const decryptedJsonResponse = ccav.redirectResponseToJson(encResp);
// To check order_status: -
This is the json response output after passing the encrypted request to redirectResponseToJson(encResp)
"order_id": "9840661",
"tracking_id": "308005007091",
"bank_ref_no": "1555842850653",
"order_status": "Success",
"failure_message": "",
"payment_mode": "Net Banking",
"card_name": "AvenuesTest",
"status_code": "null",
"status_message": "Y",
"currency": "INR",
"amount": "1000.00",
"billing_name": "OPTIONAL",
"billing_address": "OPTIONAL",
"billing_city": "OPTIONAL",
"billing_state": "OPTIONAL",
"billing_zip": "OPTIONAL",
"billing_country": "India",
"billing_tel": "99999999999",
"billing_email": "[email protected]",
"delivery_name": "OPTIONAL",
"delivery_address": "OPTIONAL",
"delivery_city": "OPTIONAL",
"delivery_state": "OPTIONAL",
"delivery_zip": "OPTIONAL",
"delivery_country": "India",
"delivery_tel": "99999999999",
"merchant_param1": "",
"merchant_param2": "",
"merchant_param3": "",
"merchant_param4": "",
"merchant_param5": "",
"vault": "N",
"offer_type": "null",
"offer_code": "null",
"discount_value": "0.0",
"mer_amount": "1200.00",
"eci_value": "null",
"retry": "N",
"response_code": "0",
"billing_notes": "",
"trans_date": "21/04/2019 16:04:38",
"bin_country": ""
Feel free to open issues if you find any, or simply fork and create a pull request