Comparison of django-userena and django-allauth.
Live site is here.
Instructions for installing userena are here.
Create a lib folder in the project with the zipped libraries listed in
Create a mysql database called userena_db with a root password 'password'.
Run migrations on userena, userena_app, guardian, and easy_thumbnails.
Create a superuser:
$ python createsuperuser
To use email verification, run the add_site_ids script and start the application with one of the following commands:
$ python runserver 8080
$ SETTINGS_MODE='prod' python runserver 8080
When run locally, the SITE_ID settings variable is 3, which should correspond to localhost:8080.
if /userena_app/signup gives the error "Permission matching query does not exist", run permissions_fix.
- disabled accounts
Instructions for installing django-allauth are here.