A demo application showcasing various cloud native technologies that implement a system for Students and Tutors to connect.
- Name
- Phone Number
- School
- Short description of the help they need
- Classes they need help with
- Places they prefer to meet
- Schedule of times they want to receive help
- Name
- Phone Number
- Place they prefer to meet
- Classes or subjects they can provide help for
- Schedule of times available
- List of students who have looked at profile
- Description
- Address
- Student
- Tutor
- Rating (1-5)
- Comments
- Student
- Tutor
- Time
- Location
- Sender
- Time
- Content
- Read (true/false)
- GET a profile
- PUT a profile
- DELETE a profile
- GET a review
- POST a review
- DELETE a review
- GET a session by date range
- POST a session
- DELETE a session
- GET all messages by time
- GET all unread by time
- GET a Tutor by subject,availability,location
- GET a Tutor by name
- GET a Student by name
- GET a Student by subject
- Able to search for any tutor on the application
- Required to have an account to be able to search
- Able to open a chat with a tutor from their profile, and from their reviews page
- Able to request an appointment from any tutor at an available time
- Able to see review average rating of tutor and page with all of their reviews
- Able to create a review about a tutor they met with
- Able to search for any student on the application
- Able to open a chat with a tutor from their profile, and from their reviews page
- Must be signed in to search for students
- Search by subject name or info for students needing help
- Request to tutor student at an available time
- Able to see review average rating of student and page with all of their reviews
- Able to post a review about a student they met with before