API Rest to diff data asynchronously. Built using asp.net core 2.0/Microsoft Misual Studio Community Edition.
1 - Post data to be diff-ed on left side
POST /v1/diff/{id}/left
2 - Post data to be diff-ed on right side
POST /v1/diff/{id}/right
3 - Execute and Get the Diff Results
GET /v1/diff/{id}
Parameters {id} - Diff Request identity, used to insert diff data for both sides, and retrieve the results later.
For POST operations, the data to be diff-ed needs to be send on POST request body, with application/json Content-Type. Examples:
(Base64 of { "name":"John", "age":30, "car":null })
(Base64 of { "name":"Pete", "age":30, "car":null })
Results Example:
"id": 1,
"left": "IHsgIm5hbWUiOiJKb2huIiwgImFnZSI6MzAsICJjYXIiOm51bGwgfQ==",
"right": "IHsgIm5hbWUiOiJQZXRlIiwgImFnZSI6MzAsICJjYXIiOm51bGwgfQ==",
"areEqual": false,
"haveSameSize": true,
"diffInsights": [
"Difference detected, starting at offset 16 with length of 5."
Useful links
API Demo:
API Documentation/Explorer:
Postman collection:
For a real world scenario with a huge number of requests, I would suggest to use a Session/State storage model like "Redis" instead a SQL storage model. The diff data could be stored the key-value entries, setting a TTL.
To improve the diff feature, I would suggest a change to show the actual diffs on the insights, changing the code in GetDiffInsights method:
var leftDifferenceBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var rightDifferenceBuilder = new StringBuilder(); while (position < left.Length && left[position] != right[position]) { leftDifferenceBuilder.Append(left[position]); rightDifferenceBuilder.Append(right[position]); position++; } if (leftDifferenceBuilder.Length > 0) result.Add($"Starting at offset {position}, the left data has the value '{leftDifferenceBuilder}', and right data has '{rightDifferenceBuilder}'.");