Project Topic - Kinopoisk
Overall application architecture: Microservice-based
Each service is implemented using the N-Layer architecture
Technologies Used:
- FluentValidation
- Entity Framework + Fluent API
- ASP.Net Core Web Api
- RabbitMQ
- MS SQLServer
- AutoMapper, Mapster
- Docker
- IdentityServer4
- Ocelot Gateway
- Hangfire
- MassTransit
Project Description:
- Viewing film information, including genres, age restrictions, and ratings.
- Pagination of films, filtering, and sorting based on different parameters passed as parameters.
- Tracking sequels and prequels.
- Working with staff for films.
- Film rating.
- Ability to add reviews.
- Film collections.
- Authorization and authentication.
- Role-based policy.
- Ability to create new films, edit and delete.
- Ability to modify or remove ratings as per user discretion.
- Ability to add new staff and edit their information.
- etc
- Films
- Collections
- Reviews
- Ratings
- Staff
- Authorization
Here is a database schema for the microservices. Each microservice is represented by a different color. Database replication is present from other databases.