ScheduleBot is a designed to be a Columbia Physics preceptor's one-stop shop for pumping out lab, lab library, help room, grading, and proctoring schedules.
To ensure ScheduleBot works as expected, he will need 4 files from you:
- A master schedule of student availability generated by exporting a Doodle poll to a .csv file. Couldn't be easier, just make sure your Doodle poll is made of 1 hr slots from 9am-10pm, M-F. Students must have this filled in by checking off times during which they are busy! (See ./Data/master_schedule_sp19.csv for example)
- A list of labs of the form (lab number, section number, day of week, start time (24 hr), end time (24 hr))=(1291,1,M,13:00,16:00). (See ./Data/lab_list_sp19.csv for example)
- A list of tests of the form (class number, professor name, day of week, date and time info, number of students)=(1402,Michael Tuts,R,"February 14, 10:10-11:25",175). (See ./Data/proctor_grading_list_sp19.csv for example)
- A list of how many times each TA has proctored and graded in the form of a tally list. (See ./Data/proctor_grading_tally_sp19.csv for example)
Note that any and all .csv files can be created in Excel and exported as .csv files.
ScheduleBot should be run using a distribution of Python 3.x.x. It will not work with Python 2.x.x and, unless you're a coding whiz who wants to go through the mundane process of making ScheduleBot Python 2 compatible, I would recommend you stick to Python 3.
Assuming you have
- Python 3 all installed and ready to go (information for Python installations can be found here)
- Necessary data files correctly formatted and in ./Data folder all you have to do is open up a terminal window and type the following:
> git clone
> cp ./ScheduleBot
> python3