This userbot updates the biography of a telegram user according to their current spotify playback. If no playback is active, the bot changes the bio back to the original one from the user.
- Jump to Setup
Plugins | Usage | Description |
screencapture | .sc url |
Captures screenshot of url . |
terminal | .term cmd |
Executes command cmd in your host. I the output is too big, sends it as a text file. |
urbandictionary | .ud word |
Gets the most upvoted defination of word . |
weather | .weather place |
Shows weather ofplace . |
wttr | .wttr place |
Shows reslut for place |
Commands | Usage | Description |
alive | .alive |
Checks if the bot is running. Format:Bot uptime ,Device name: ,Device volume ,Currently playing song ,Recently played songs . These are only shown when you are playing a track. |
me | .me |
Link your spotify account. Format: Spotify name: Anuj ,Profile link: here,spotify profile picture . |
Bio | .bio |
Gives current bio. |
resetbio | .resetbio |
Resets to original bio. |
song | .song |
Links the song which you're listening to on Spotify. Format: 🎶 Vibing ; Dusk Till Dawn - Radio Edit - ZAYN . |
recently | .recently |
Lists your last played (max 10) songs |
Command | Usage |
block | .block replying to a user |
unblock | .unblock replying to a user |
ban | ban replying to a user or .ban @useranme |
unban | unban replying to a user or .unban @useranme |
kick | .kick replying to a user or .kick @useranme |
pin | .pin replying to a message. |
mute | .mute replying to a user or .mute @useranme |
unmute | .unmute replying to a user or .unmute @useranme |
kickme | .kickme: kick yourself from the current chat. |
promote | .promote replying to a user or promote @username . Gives admin privileges. |
demote | .deomote replying to a user or .deomote @username . Takes back admin privileges. |
admin list | .adminlist retrieves all admins in the chat. |
delete users | .delusers searches for deleted accounts in a group/channel. |
deleted users clean | .delusers clean kicks deleted accounts from a group/channel. |
Id | .id gets chat/user id. |
Install the pre-required librabries with pip install telethon requests
Get your spotify CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET from here.
Get your telegram app API_ID and API_HASH from
Copy this link, change
with your spotifyclinet_id
. Paste it in browser. -
After you grant permission, you get redirected to
. Copy everything after thecode=
, this is your INITIAL_TOKEN. -
Paste all these values in their respective variables at
While you are at it, you can also paste an initial biography there. Just take your current one. This is highly recommended. If you don't do this and have a currently playing track, the bot has at its first start no idea what your original biography is. Just do it, please
If you want to have a log channel or group or so, paste its invite link or id in the
variable. If you leave it at "me", you will see those in your saved chat. Only if errors occur ofc ;) -
Now you can run This will generate a json file named database.
You are almost done. If you now run, all you need to do is log into your telegram account and start using the bot!
This bot uses the emoji to determine if the current bio is an active spotify biography or not. This means you mustn't use this emoji on your original biographies or the bot will probably break. Don't do it, thanks.
Great news. Just change the KEY variable in constants file. Don't ever use your new KEY in your biographies though!