All credit goes to the original author(, I just created the build for the unknown.
Build for MacOs against issue of Crash on Android 12 Developer Preview 1, added quickfix secure flag DONOTMERGE(
If you have any issues running the below commands, make sure you've done these steps:
Mac OS
Install the packages with Homebrew:
runtime dependencies
brew install sdl2 ffmpeg
client build dependencies
brew install pkg-config meson
Clone this repo cd into the folder and run the commands according to your need:
cd path-to-this-downloaded-repo
Run without installing:
./run x [options]
You can install this build of scrcpy on the system:
sudo ninja -Cx install
This installs three files:
/usr/local/bin/scrcpy /usr/local/share/scrcpy/scrcpy-server /usr/local/share/man/man1/scrcpy.1
You can then run scrcpy.
Uninstall sudo ninja -Cx uninstall # without sudo on Windows