The XYZ Reader is an Android application created as part of Material Design for Android Developers course.
The initial code is based on a starter code:
The XYZ Reader application is a mock RSS feed reader featuring banner photos and headlines.
The main purpose of this project is to learn and experiment with Android Material Design. The key learning objectives are:
Understand the fundamentals of Android design.
Apply Material Design guidelines to a mobile application.
Separate an interface into surfaces.
Effectively use transitions and motion.
The project has met all requirements for the class assignment. It provides an example of a parallax AppBar collapse and a smooth transition of the selected image between two activities that are including ViewPager fragments.
This is a learning project. It is open for comments and suggestions. This project is not intended for code contributions.
To use the project, please open it in Android Studio and build by following general Android Application build instructions.
This code is based on the starter code ( that is using