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This module contains a Puppet reports processor that writes report metrics in a format that is accepted by Prometheus node_exporter Textfile Collector.

node_exporter >= 0.15.0 consul_exporter >= 0.3.0

This module supports below Prometheus architectures:

  • x86_64/amd64
  • i386
  • armv71 (Tested on raspberry pi 3)

How to

Puppet setup

Include this module in your path, and create a file named prometheus.yaml in your Puppet configuration directory.

  • Installs the prometheus daemon, alertmanager or exporters(via url or package)
    • The package method was implemented, but currently there isn't any package for prometheus
  • Optionally installs a user to run it under (per exporter)
  • Installs a configuration file for prometheus daemon (/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yaml) or for alertmanager (/etc/prometheus/alert.rules)
  • Manages the services via upstart, sysv, or systemd
  • Optionally creates alert rules
  • The following exporters are currently implemented: node_exporter, statsd_exporter, process_exporter, haproxy_exporter, mysqld_exporter, blackbox_exporter, consul_exporter, redis_exporter, varnish_exporter, graphite_exporter, postgres_exporter, collectd_exporter

Include prometheus in your Puppet reports configuration; enable pluginsync:

Notice about breaking changes

Version 5.0.0 and older of this module allowed you to deploy the prometheus server by doing a simple include prometheus. We introduced a new class layout in version 6. By default, including the prometheus class won't deploy the server now. You need to include the prometheus::server class for this (which has the same parameters that prometheus had). An alternative approach is to set the manage_prometheus_server parameter to true in the prometheus class. Background information about this change is described in the related pull request and the issue.

To set up a prometheus daemon: On the server (for prometheus version < 1.0.0):

class { 'prometheus::server':
  global_config  => { 'scrape_interval'=> '15s', 'evaluation_interval'=> '15s', 'external_labels'=> { 'monitor'=>'master'}},
  rule_files     => [ "/etc/prometheus/alert.rules" ],
  scrape_configs => [
     { 'job_name'=> 'prometheus',
       'scrape_interval'=> '10s',
       'scrape_timeout' => '10s',
       'target_groups'  => [
        { 'targets'     => [ 'localhost:9090' ],
            'labels'    => { 'alias'=> 'Prometheus'}

Note: you can use a comma separated list of reports processors:

class { 'prometheus::server':
    version => '1.0.0',
    scrape_configs => [ {'job_name'=>'prometheus','scrape_interval'=> '30s','scrape_timeout'=>'30s','static_configs'=> [{'targets'=>['localhost:9090'], 'labels'=> { 'alias'=>'Prometheus'}}]}],
    extra_options => '-alertmanager.url http://localhost:9093 -web.console.templates=/opt/prometheus-1.0.0.linux-amd64/consoles -web.console.libraries=/opt/prometheus-1.0.0.linux-amd64/console_libraries',
    localstorage => '/prometheus/prometheus',

On the server (for prometheus version >= 2.0.0):

class { 'prometheus::server':
    version        => '2.4.3',
    alerts => { 'groups' => [{ 'name' => 'alert.rules', 'rules' => [{ 'alert' => 'InstanceDown', 'expr' => 'up == 0', 'for' => '5m', 'labels' => { 'severity' => 'page', }, 'annotations' => { 'summary' => 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down', 'description' => '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.' }}]}]},
    scrape_configs => [
      { 'job_name' => 'prometheus',
        'scrape_interval' => '10s',
        'scrape_timeout'  => '10s',
        'static_configs'  => [
        { 'targets' => [ 'localhost:9090' ],
          'labels'  => { 'alias' => 'Prometheus'}

or simply:

include prometheus::server

To add alert rules, add the following to the class prometheus in case you are using prometheus < 2.0:

    alerts => [{ 'name' => 'InstanceDown', 'condition' => 'up == 0', 'timeduration' => '5m', labels => [{ 'name' => 'severity', 'content' => 'page'}], 'annotations' => [{ 'name' => 'summary', content => 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down'}, {'name' => 'description', content => '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.' }]}]


puppet_report_resources{name="Changed",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Failed",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Failed to restart",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Out of sync",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Restarted",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Scheduled",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Skipped",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_resources{name="Total",environment="production",host=""} 519
puppet_report_time{name="Acl",environment="production",host=""} 3.8629975709999984
puppet_report_time{name="Anchor",environment="production",host=""} 0.002442332
puppet_report_time{name="Augeas",environment="production",host=""} 10.629003954
puppet_report_time{name="Concat file",environment="production",host=""} 0.0026740609999999997
puppet_report_time{name="Concat fragment",environment="production",host=""} 0.012010700000000003
puppet_report_time{name="Config retrieval",environment="production",host=""} 20.471957786
puppet_report_time{name="Cron",environment="production",host=""} 0.000874118
puppet_report_time{name="Exec",environment="production",host=""} 0.4114313850000001
puppet_report_time{name="File",environment="production",host=""} 0.32955574000000015
puppet_report_time{name="File line",environment="production",host=""} 0.002702939
puppet_report_time{name="Filebucket",environment="production",host=""} 0.0003994
puppet_report_time{name="Grafana datasource",environment="production",host=""} 0.187452552
puppet_report_time{name="Group",environment="production",host=""} 0.0031514940000000003
puppet_report_time{name="Mysql datadir",environment="production",host=""} 0.000422795
puppet_report_time{name="Package",environment="production",host=""} 1.670733222
puppet_report_time{name="Service",environment="production",host=""} 0.8740041969999999
puppet_report_time{name="Total",environment="production",host=""} 38.468031933999995
puppet_report_time{name="User",environment="production",host=""} 0.005163427
puppet_report_time{name="Yumrepo",environment="production",host=""} 0.0010542610000000001
puppet_report_changes{name="Total",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_events{name="Failure",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_events{name="Success",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report_events{name="Total",environment="production",host=""} 0
puppet_report{environment="production",host=""} 1477054915347

When using prometheus >= 2.0, we use the new yaml format ( configuration

    alerts => { 'groups' => [{ 'name' => 'alert.rules', 'rules' => [{ 'alert' => 'InstanceDown', 'expr' => 'up == 0', 'for' => '5m', 'labels' => { 'severity' => 'page', }, 'annotations' => { 'summary' => 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down', 'description' => '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.' } }]}]},
    - name: alert.rules
      - alert: 'InstanceDown'
        expr: 'up == 0'
        for: '5m'
          'severity': 'page'
          'summary': 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down'
          'description': '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.'

On the monitored nodes:

   include prometheus::node_exporter

Special thanks to Puppet, Inc for Puppet, and its store reports processor, to EvenUp for their graphite reports processor, and to Vox Pupuli to provide a platform that allows us to develop of this module.

class { 'prometheus::node_exporter':
    version => '0.12.0',
    collectors_disable => ['loadavg','mdadm' ],
    extra_options => '--collector.ntp.server',

For more information regarding class parameters please take a look at class docstring.


Real Prometheus >=2.0.0 setup example including alertmanager and slack_configs.

include profiles::prometheus

class { 'prometheus':
  manage_prometheus_server => true,
  version => '2.0.0',
  alerts => { 'groups' => [{ 'name' => 'alert.rules', 'rules' => [{ 'alert' => 'InstanceDown', 'expr' => 'up == 0', 'for' => '5m', 'labels' => { 'severity' => 'page', }, 'annotations' => { 'summary' => 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down', 'description' => '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.' } }]}]},
  scrape_configs => [
    { 'job_name' => 'prometheus',
      'scrape_interval' => '10s',
      'scrape_timeout'  => '10s',
      'static_configs'  => [
         { 'targets' => [ 'localhost:9090' ],
           'labels'  => { 'alias'=> 'Prometheus'}
    { 'job_name' => 'node',
      'scrape_interval' => '5s',
      'scrape_timeout'  => '5s',
      'static_configs'  => [
         { 'targets' => [ '' ],
           'labels'  => { 'alias'=> 'Node'}
  alertmanagers_config => [{ 'static_configs' => [{'targets' => [ 'localhost:9093' ]}]}],
class { 'prometheus::alertmanager':
  version       => '0.13.0',
  route         => { 'group_by' => [ 'alertname', 'cluster', 'service' ], 'group_wait'=> '30s', 'group_interval'=> '5m', 'repeat_interval'=> '3h', 'receiver'=> 'slack' },
  receivers     => [ { 'name' => 'slack', 'slack_configs'=> [ { 'api_url'=> '', 'channel' => '#channel', 'send_resolved' => true, 'username' => 'username'}] }]

the same in hiera

prometheus::manage_prometheus_server: true
prometheus::version: '2.0.0'
    - job_name: 'nodexporter'
      scrape_interval:  '10s'
      scrape_timeout: '10s'
      - targets:
          alias: 'nodexporter'
    - job_name: prometheus
      scrape_interval: 10s
      scrape_timeout: 10s
      - targets:
        - localhost:9090
          alias: Prometheus
    - name: alert.rules
      - alert: 'InstanceDown'
        expr: 'up == 0'
        for: '5m'
          'severity': 'page'
          'summary': 'Instance {{ $labels.instance }} down'
          'description': '{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.'
  - static_configs:
    - targets:
      - localhost:9093

prometheus::alertmanager::version: '0.13.0'
  - alertname
  - cluster
  - service
  group_wait: 30s
  group_interval: 5m
  repeat_interval: 3h
  receiver: slack
  - name: slack
    - api_url:
      channel: "#channel"
      send_resolved: true
      username: username

Test you commit with vagrant

Known issues

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This module has unit tests for CentOS/RHEL, Debian, Ubuntu and Archlinux. Acceptance tests are executed for CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu. Other operatingsystems may work but are untested.


This project contains tests for rspec-puppet.

Quickstart to run all linter and unit tests:

bundle install --path .vendor/ --without system_tests --without development --without release
bundle exec rake test


puppet-prometheus is maintained by Vox Pupuli, it was written by brutus333.


Puppet module for prometheus







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