Capsim is a tool to simulate capture sequencing. It was developed as part of the Japsa package.
On a Linux/Mac machine with make' and
git' installed, the software can be installed with
git clone
cd japsa
make install \
[INSTALL_DIR=~/.usr/local \]
[MXMEM=7000m \]
[SERVER=true \]
Details of installation (including for Windows) and usage of Japsa can be found in its documentation hosted on ReadTheDocs
Before running capsim, the probe sequences need to be aligned to the reference sequence (or the genome sequence to simulate sequencing). We recommend using bowtie2 for the alignment.
#Skip this step if the index has been generated
bowtie2-build ref.fasta ref
#Align the probes into the reference
bowtie2 --local --very-sensitive-local --mp 8 --rdg 10,8 --rfg 10,8 -k 10000 -f -x ref -U probes.fa -S probes.sam
Note: for some reason, bowtie2 only accepts the query fasta file (probes.fa) containing one sequence per line.
After alignment, sort the and index the bam file with samtools
samtools view -bSU probes.sam | samtools sort -o probes.bam -
Capsim takes the bam file as the input:
jsa.sim.capsim --reference ref.fasta --probe probes.bam --ID someid --fmedian 5000 --pacbio output --pblen 3000 --num 20000000
jsa.sim.capsim --reference ref.fasta --probe probes.bam --ID someid --fmedian 500 --miseq output --illen 300 --num 20000000
--reference=s Name of genome to be (REQUIRED) --probe=s File containing probes mapped to the reference in bam format (default='null') --logFile=s Log file (default='-') --ID=s A unique ID for the data set (default='') --miseq=s Name of read file if miseq is simulated (default='null') --pacbio=s Name of read file if pacbio is simulated (default='null') --fmedian=i Median of fragment size at shearing (default='2000') --fshape=d Shape parameter of the fragment size distribution (default='6.0') --smedian=i Median of fragment size distribution (default='1300') --sshape=d Shape parameter of the fragment size distribution (default='6.0') --tmedian=i Median of target fragment size (the fragment size of the data). If specified, will override fmedian and smedian. Othersise will be estimated (default='0') --tshape=d Shape parameter of the effective fragment size distribution (default='0.0') --num=i Number of fragments (default='1000000') --pblen=i PacBio: Average (polymerase) read length (default='30000') --illen=i Illumina: read length (default='300') --ilmode=s Illumina: Sequencing mode: pe = paired-end, mp=mate-paired and se=singled-end (default='pe') --seed=i Random seed, 0 for a random seed (default='0') --help Display this usage and exit (default='false')
CapSim will output sequence reads in fastq format. Users can perform subsequenct analysis by aligning the simulated reads to the reference genome.
A script file used to identify off target probes is provided in this repository. To run this script file,
bash -b target_regions.bed -r ref.fasta -a cap_sim.bam -w 1000 -d 10000 -x 500 -q probes.txt -t 4 -p out
-b/--target-bed Bed file of the target regions. -r/--reference Reference genome fasta file. -a/--bam Bam file of CapSim simulated reads aligned to reference genome. -w/--window-size Window size for statistics of the depth of coverage of the off target regions (default 1000). -d/--min-depth Minimum depth of base coverage of the off target regions to analyse (default 10000). -x/--padding-size Extension/padding size to the up and downstream of the target regions (default 500). -q/--probe-seq Text file containing the probe ID and sequence. -t/--threads Number of threads for alignment (default 1). -p/--prefix Prefix of the output files (default ./out).
The following tools should be installed and added to system path.
The script file consists of 12 main commands which could be run step by step.
1. generate reference index file,
samtools faidx ref.fasta
2. generate genome file for bedtools,
awk '{print $1"\t"$2}' ref.fasta.fai > ref.genome
3. generate fasta file of probe sequences,
tail -n +2 probes.txt | awk '{printf(">%s:%s\n%s\n",$1,$2,$3)}' > probes.fa
4. generate target bed file with extra regions upstream and downstream,
bedtools slop -i target_regions.bed -g ref.genome -b 500 > target_regions_500bp.bed
5. generate a bed file of regions in a genome that are not covered by the target bed file,
bedtools complement -i target_regions_500bp.bed -g ref.genome | awk -v w=100 '{num=($3-$2)/w; for(i=0;i<num-1;i++) print $1"\t"($2+w*i)"\t"($2+w*(i+1)-1); if(w*int(num)!=$3-$2) print $1"\t"($2+w*int(num))"\t"$3;}' > target_regions_complement.bed
This file will be used to calculate the depth of coverage of the bam file across the off target regions. Window size other than 1Kb could be used here. A smaller window size will generally result in more precise statistics but will be more time-consuming. The window size could be changed by the awk parameter w.
6. generate a bam file of alignments which overlap with the bed file,
bedtools intersect -abam cap_sim.bam -b target_regions_complement.bed > out_complement.bam
7. generate an alignment index,
samtools index out_complement.bam out_complement.bai
8. generate a base coverage,
samtools bedcov target_regions_complement.bed out_complement.bam | awk -v d="10000" '{if ($4>d) {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"}}' > out_off_target_regions.bed
The threshold of the base coverage filtering could be specified by the awk parameter d.
9. generate a fasta sequence file for off_target regions,
bedtools getfasta -fi ref.fasta -bed out_off_target_regions.bed -fo out_off_target_regions.fas
10. generate bwa index files for the off target region fasta file,
bwa index -a bwtsw out_off_target_regions.fas
11. align the probe sequences to the off target region fasta file,
bwa mem -t 4 -Y -c 1000 out_off_target_regions.fas probes.fa | samtools view -@4 -bS | samtools sort -@4 -o out_off_target_regions.bam && samtools index out_off_target_regions.bam out_off_target_regions.bai
12. extract the off target alignment probe sequences,
samtools view -F4 out_off_target_regions.bam | cut -f1 | sort -u > out_off_target_probes.txt