This Codeception Extension allows developers and testers to use HttpMock to mock external services when running codeception tests.
codeception-http-mock runs an instance of http-mock before your tests run so they can mock external services. After the tests are finished it will close the connection and turn http-mock off.
http-mock is a nice application but it is very simple and lacks a lot of functionality. If you need a more complete application to mock and stub remote services, please give Phiremock a try. Phiremock also has a nice codeception extension.
This project is published in packagist, so you just need to add it as a dependency in your composer.json:
"require": {
// ...
"mcustiel/codeception-http-mock": "*"
If you want to access directly to this repo, adding this to your composer.json should be enough:
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"mcustiel/codeception-http-mock": "dev-master"
Or just download the release and include it in your path.
# codeception.yml
- Codeception\Extension\HttpMock
port: 18080 # defaults to http-mock default port
host: # defaults to http-mock default host
# acceptance.yml
- HttpMock
First of all, configure your application so when it is being tested it will replace its external services with http-mock. For instance, if you make some requests to a REST service located under, replace that url in configuration with the host yoy set up in http-mock extension configuration.
// YourCest.php
class YourCest extends \Codeception\TestCase\Test
// tests
public function tryToTest(\AcceptanceTester $I)
->body('mocked body')
$response = file_get_contents('http://localhost:28080/foo');
$I->assertEquals('mocked body', $response);