PHP Wrapper for the Google's Cayley graph database REST interface.
Cayley is an open-source graph inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google's Knowledge Graph. Its goal is to be a part of the developer's toolbox where Linked Data and graph-shaped data (semantic webs, social networks, etc) in general are concerned.
The Cayley's default query language is called Gremlin based on JavaScript. php-cayley is a replica of this Gremlin Javascript API in PHP, all the methods and patterns from Gremlin are applicable to this library.
- php >=5.5.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle ~6.0
The recommended way to install php-cayley is through composer. You can see the package information on Packagist.
"require": {
"mcuadros/php-cayley": "dev-master"
$cayley = new Cayley\Client();
$query = $cayley->graph()->vertex('Humphrey Bogart')->all();
$result = $cayley->query($query);
$cayley = new Cayley\Client();
$filmToActor = $cayley->graph()
$query = $cayley->graph()
->has('name', 'Casablanca')
$starring = $cayley->query($query);
foreach($starring as $actor) {
These examples are based on the data contained in the example database 30kmoviedata.nq.gz
For more information please read Gremlin Javascript API documentation.
Tests are in the tests
To run them, you need PHPUnit.
$ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist