Consume Async Interators with a highwatermark, i.e. in batches. This allow for multiple processing happening in parallel instead of one at a time.
The default highwatermark is 16
npm i hwp
import { forEach, map, mapIterator, mapper } from 'hwp'
import { pipeline } from 'stream/promises'
const expected = ['a', 'b', 'c']
async function * something () {
const toSend = [...expected]
yield * toSend
await forEach(something(), async function (item, { signal }) {
return someAsyncFunction(item, { signal })
}, 16)
const res = mapIterator(something(), async function (item, { signal }) {
return someAsyncFunction(item, { signal })
}, 16)
for await (const item of res) {
console.log(await map(something(), async function (item, { signal }) {
return someAsyncFunction(item, { signal })
}), 16)
await pipeline(
mapper((item, { signal }) => {
return someAsyncFunction(item, { signal })
}, 16),
async function (source) {
for await (const item of source) {