This projects has been created as part of the Umbraco new hire coding challenge, so lets go!
- Go fetch the code
git clone
- Make sure you have installed angular cli globally. You can install it by opening your favorite powershell editor and go
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Spin up your console and navigate to '\Src\AcmeCorporation-Client' and run
npm install
to restore node dependencies - Open '\Src\AcmeCorporation.Raffle.WebApi\appsettings.Development.json' and insert the connection string to your database. Example
Data Source=(localdb)\\.\\sharedlocaldb;Initial Catalog=AcmeCorporationDraw;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
(Make sure Initial Catalog is set to AcmeCorporationDraw, and the connection string has rights to create a database)
The visual studio way
You can easily run the web server from visual studio by selecting AcmeCorporation.Draw.WebApi and hit F5. Make sure that you run it as console and not under IISExpress
The Console way if the console is your prefered weapon of choice you can go to the console and type the following commands
dotnet build
dotnet run
The visual studio way
You can easily run the web server from visual studio by selecting AcmeCorporation.Client and hit F5. Make sure that you run it as console and not under IISExpress Make sure that you have installed node packages and installed angular cli globally
The Console way
- Open your favorite powershell editor and navigate to '\Src\AcmeCorporation-Client' and run
ng serve
- Open your browser and go to http://localhost:4200