This is an app created with SwiftUI. It will function as a platform for secondhand materials that can be exchanged between artists. I built this app in response to a need by the creative community for a source of sustainable and affordable resources when realising projects. This app should facilitate an easy way to fabricate work, and create connections between individuals. Althought not fully functional (there is no server-client methodologies or databases), this was my first time creating a project with Swift and the features have all been simulated.
- Custom fonts and icons.
- Firestore for real time chat and user database.
- Item database for advanced search.
- Notifications.
- Rating system.
- Social media sharing.
- Deployment to a device.
This app requires Xcode to run. Once your downloaded is complete, press cmd+b to build the project. Then, press the play button at the top left of the environment to run the simulator. The username is "olivia" and the password is "123". You MUST use these login credentials or you won't be able to access the app.
Tutorials from the Indently YouTube channel.
Olivia McCallum, JUNKYARD, 15.06.2023. Copyleft with a difference: This is a collective work, you are invited to copy, distribute, and modify it under the terms of the CC4r.