The goal of this project is to provided classes and interfaces that assist with the interaction of Antlr parsers. Making things like language manipulation and analysis much easier.
npm install -S antlr4-helper
const antlrHelper = require('antlr4-helper');
const TinycLexer = require('./parser/TinycLexer').TinycLexer;
const TinycParser = require('./parser/TinycParser').TinycParser;
const factory = antlrHelper.createFactoryBuilder()
.lexer((input) => new TinycLexer(input))
.parser(tokenStream => new TinycParser(tokenStream))
.rootRule((parser) => parser.program())
const parser = antlrHelper.createParser(factory);
parser.parse('variable = 100;');
// Find only variables
parser.filter((rule) => rule.getName() === 'id')
.forEach((rule) => {
const ruleName = rule.getName();
console.log(ruleName); // id
console.log(rule.getText()); // variable
const antlrHelper = require('antlr4-helper');
const TinycLexer = require('./parser/TinycLexer').TinycLexer;
const TinycParser = require('./parser/TinycParser').TinycParser;
const factory = antlrHelper.createFactoryBuilder()
.lexer((input) => new TinycLexer(input))
.parser(tokenStream => new TinycParser(tokenStream))
.rootRule((parser) => parser.program())
const parser = antlrHelper.createParser(factory);
parser.parse('a = 10;');
parser.checkForErrors(); // No parse errors
// Find the first rule
const rule = parser.findRuleByName('id');
console.log("The changed text:");
console.log(parser.getText()); //var = 10;
console.log("The replaced variable:");
const varName = rule.getText();
console.log(varName); //var;