This has been deprecated and will no longer be maintened as the reporter is now available through ktlint :)
This is a simple HTML reporter for ktlint. I wrote it while setting up quality tools for Yosef.
Since ktlint is able to load reporters from external sources, you can simply configure it like:
task ktlint(type: JavaExec, group: "verification") {
// ...
args "--reporter=html,artifact=me.cassiano:ktlint-html-reporter:<latest-version>,output=${buildDir}/ktlint.html"
The reporter is also available on jCenter, so you don't need to include JitPack if you need to use it directly as a dependency:
compile "me.cassiano:ktlint-html-reporter:$latestVersion"
Note: you need to upgrade to ktlint 0.20.0 before using this.