LastCache is a go module that implements stale-while-revalidate and stale-if-error in-memory cache strategy.
In the event of an error when fetching fresh data, the cache serves stale (expired) data for a specified period (Config.ExtendTTL). This ensures a fallback mechanism to provide some data even when the retrieval process encounters errors.
function is based on this strategy.
Stale (expired) data is served to caller while a background process runs to refresh the cache.
function is based on this strategy.
package main
import (
func main() {
var callbackErr error
lc := lastcache.New(lastcache.Config{
GlobalTTL: 1 * time.Nanosecond, // 1 * time.Minute,
ExtendTTL: 1 * time.Nanosecond, // 10 * time.Second,
AsyncSemaphore: 1,
////////////////// stale-if-error ///////////////////
// successful callback
val, err := lc.LoadOrStore("key", func(ctx context.Context, key any) (value any, useStale bool, err error) {
return "value", false, nil
fmt.Printf("sync, \tValue: %s, \tStale: %v, \tCallbackErr: %v, \terr: %v\n", val.Value, val.Stale, val.Err, err)
// failed callback - use stale
val, err = lc.LoadOrStore("key", func(ctx context.Context, key any) (value any, useStale bool, err error) {
return nil, true, errors.New("connection lost")
fmt.Printf("sync, \tValue: %s, \tStale: %v, \tCallbackErr: %v, \terr: %v\n", val.Value, val.Stale, val.Err, err)
// failed callback - do not use stale
val, err = lc.LoadOrStore("key", func(ctx context.Context, key any) (value any, useStale bool, err error) {
return nil, false, errors.New("resource not found")
fmt.Printf("sync, \tValue: %+v, \terr: %v\n", val, err)
///////////////// stale-while-revalidate ////////////
// successful callback
val, errChannel, err := lc.AsyncLoadOrStore("key_2", func(ctx context.Context, key any) (value any, err error) {
return "value", nil
if errChannel != nil { // check callback error
callbackErr = <-errChannel
fmt.Printf("async, \tValue: %s, \tStale: %v, \tCallbackErr: %v, \terr: %v\n", val.Value, val.Stale, callbackErr, err)
// failed callback
val, errChannel, err = lc.AsyncLoadOrStore("key_2", func(ctx context.Context, key any) (value any, err error) {
return nil, errors.New("some query error")
if errChannel != nil { // check callback error
callbackErr = <-errChannel
fmt.Printf("async, \tValue: %s, \tStale: %v, \tCallbackErr: %v, \terr: %v\n", val.Value, val.Stale, callbackErr, err)
sync, Value: value, Stale: false, CallbackErr: <nil>, err: <nil>
sync, Value: value, Stale: true, CallbackErr: connection lost, err: <nil>
sync, Value: <nil>, err: resource not found
async, Value: value, Stale: false, CallbackErr: <nil>, err: <nil>
async, Value: value, Stale: true, CallbackErr: some query error, err: <nil>