Genome assembly used: mm39 found on ENSEMBL website: Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna_sm.toplevel. For this tutorial, only chromosome 1 will be used, but you can download the full genome on the ENSEMBL website.
HOCOMOCOv12 logodds matrix: hocomocov12_core_matrix_logodds.mat. Containing 1443 transcription factor (TF) binding models in mouse and human
PWMScan: clone the repo here
This tutorial is only intended to prepare your data with a different genome assembly (here mm39) and new TF databases (HOCOMOCOv12). It doesn't cover how to use diffTF or how to generate count files (RNA-Seq) or peak files (ATAC-Seq).
It consist of two steps:
- Scan your transcription factor binding site (TFBS)
- Prepare the files for diffTF
To use diffTF, you need the localization of each potential binding site of your TFs of interest. These are bed files with the genomic coordinates, a score, and the strand position (backward/forward). For more information, see the documentation of diffTF on TFBS (transcription factor binding site). To create such a file, you will need the motif of each TF, i.e., a matrix of probability for the 4 nucleotides (MEME format) and a scanner: PWMScan
- You can use any genome assembly and TF database (here mm39 and HOCOMOCOv12)
- Runs on your local computer (linux or mac os)
- Run fast! ~10s/TFs (Linux with 12 core)
- Easy to use
- The output is exactly in the format needed for diffTF
In comparison, if you want to use FIMO you should wait more than 40 days for the 720 TFs of HOCOMOCOv12 (mouse) as it run on their server with a waiting list
Clone the repo of PWM scan (link) and install it in this repo, see their documentation for installation.
Download the logodds matrix of HOCOMOCO v12, here
Create a unique file for each Matrix. You can do it with a simple bash script:
# Define the input file and output directory
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p "$output_dir"
# Use awk to split the file into separate .mat files
awk -v output_dir="$output_dir" '
BEGIN { file_count = 0; }
/^>log-odds matrix/ {
if (file_count > 0) {
split($0, name, " ");
# Remove colons from the name[3] part
gsub(":", "", name[3]);
output_file = output_dir "/" name[3] ".mat";
print > output_file;
' "$input_file"
echo "Splitting completed."
There is 1443 unique matrix of probabilty from Hocomocov12 database. There is human and mouse TFs. To filter the chosen one you can found all the informations needed on the HOCOMOCO website. The filtering of wanted TFs is let to your conveniance with any tool that you want (Python/R/bash/...). Also, for some TFs, there exist multiple possible motifs for the same. As an example, if you want to use only the primary motif for mouse, you would end up with 720 different TFs.
Now that you have a logodds matrix for each TF you can use PWMScan. You will need two command: matrix_prob
and matrix_scan
. This two commands will be used for each TF individually as follow:
matrix_prob -e 0.00001 -b 0.29,0.21,0.21,0.29 AHR.H12CORE.0.P.B.mat
return SCORE: 1305
matrix_scan -m AHR.H12CORE.0.P.B.mat -c 1305 < mm39.fa > output_file.bed
Here is a complete script for all TFs:
#check if the target is a directory
if [ ! -d "$directory" ]; then
exit 1
#loop through files in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*;
echo "$file"
output=$(./bin/matrix_prob -e 0.00001 -b 0.29,0.21,0.21,0.29 $file)
score=$(echo "$output" | grep -oP 'SCORE\s*:\s*\K-?[0-9]+')
echo "extracted SCORE: $score"
file_name=$(basename "$file" .mat)
./bin/matrix_scan -m $file -c $score <$genome > ../results/PWMScan_hocomocov12/$file_name.bed
Here you should have 720 TFBS bed file (if you have previously filter your TF of interest).
- The scan use a p-value threshold, here 0.00001. This can change a lot the number of possible binding site and so the output of diffTF. Check PWMScan documentation and diffTF documentation for more information.
- PWMScan output will directly be in the good format for diffTF so 3 columns for genomic coordinate, 1 column for the DNA motif, 1 column for the score and 1 column for the strand.
- You will still need to rename the files, see point bellow
Now you should have BED files that contains all the binding site (BS) for each TF of interest from the HOCOMOCO V12 database.
Before using diffTF you still need to refine your BED files, otherwise, the snakemake pipeline will not work.
- Rename BED file as followed: NAME_TFBS.bed
- Map your TF name to ENSEMBL name in a csv file
- Correct chromosome name. This point is only useful if your genome assembly doesn't follow the convention to name their chromosome by using "chr" in front of the chromosome number.
- Remove unwanted chromosome annotation
to rename the bed files you can again use a bash script to rename all your files or any tools that you want.
# Define the directory containing the .bed files
# Loop through all .bed files in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*.bed; do
# Extract the base name
base_name=$(basename ${file})
# Use cut to get the NAME part
name=$(echo "$base_name" | cut -d '.' -f 1)
# Construct the new file name
# Rename the file
mv "$file" "$new_name"
The file is a three-column, space-separated file with SYMBOL (Name), ENSEMBL (ENSM0000X), and HOCOID (NAME_TFBS). You can use the tool g:Profiler to convert the names of my TFs and manual annotation for the few that were not found. There are probably better tools to do so, feel free to use any method you prefer.
Be careful, the HOCOID are the names of your TFBS.bed files, which can be completely different from the symbol names! So you need to ensure that all of your TFBS.bed files have one entry in the HOCOID column.
you can have a better name coverage with g:profiler by using the name from the json file from HOCOMOCOv12 and not the TF names from the bed files.
This is probably the most important part of this tutorial. diffTF works uniquely if your genome assembly FASTA file uses the convention to name the chromosomes with "chr" at the beginning!! If, as in this example, your genome assembly begins with the chromosome number without the prefix "chr", you will need to change several files!
Hopefully, you will be able to run diffTF even if you have done your alignment with the "bad" convention. You will need to change several files for that:
- Add "chr" at the beginning of each line in all TFBS.bed files AND peak annotation files.
- Add "chr" to your ATAC-Seq BAM file.
- Add "chr" to the FASTA file of your genome assembly.
# Define the directory containing the files
# Loop through each file in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*; do
# Check if the file is a regular file
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Use sed to add "chr" in front of every line and overwrite the file
sed -i 's/^/chr/' "$file"
echo "Updated $file"
if you have use MACS2 for your peak annotation, an output file .broadpeak or .narrowpeak will be created with a standard bed file for the beginning. this file also need a chr prefix in front of each line. You can use the same script as above (not detail in this tutorial).
This solution was found on biostars here
for file in *.bam
echo "$file"
filename=`echo $file | cut -d "." -f 1`
samtools view -H $file | \
sed -e 's/SN:1/SN:chr1/' | sed -e 's/SN:2/SN:chr2/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:3/SN:chr3/' | sed -e 's/SN:4/SN:chr4/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:5/SN:chr5/' | sed -e 's/SN:6/SN:chr6/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:7/SN:chr7/' | sed -e 's/SN:8/SN:chr8/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:9/SN:chr9/' | sed -e 's/SN:10/SN:chr10/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:11/SN:chr11/' | sed -e 's/SN:12/SN:chr12/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:13/SN:chr13/' | sed -e 's/SN:14/SN:chr14/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:15/SN:chr15/' | sed -e 's/SN:16/SN:chr16/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:17/SN:chr17/' | sed -e 's/SN:18/SN:chr18/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:19/SN:chr19/' | sed -e 's/SN:20/SN:chr20/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:21/SN:chr21/' | sed -e 's/SN:22/SN:chr22/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:X/SN:chrX/' | sed -e 's/SN:Y/SN:chrY/' | \
sed -e 's/SN:MT/SN:chrM/' | samtools reheader - $file > ${filename}_chr.bam
sed -f pattern.txt < yourGenome.fa > genomeWithChromosome.fa
with the file pattern.txt:
You can add more pattern if you are working with more chromosome (here mouse)
If your genome assembly has other location that standard chromosome like bellow, you will want to remove them in order to run correctly diffTF
JH584299.1 243370 243381 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
JH584299.1 411755 411766 TTGCGTGCCTT 1285 -
JH584299.1 543109 543120 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
JH584299.1 902889 902900 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
GL456233.2 94368 94379 GTGCGTGCCTG 1317 -
JH584301.1 20638 20649 GTGCGTGCAAA 1313 +
GL456211.1 26774 26785 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 +
GL456211.1 154506 154517 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 +
GL456221.1 26692 26703 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 +
GL456221.1 80466 80477 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 -
GL456221.1 163896 163907 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
JH584297.1 41270 41281 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 -
JH584297.1 41274 41285 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 -
JH584297.1 41278 41289 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 -
JH584297.1 187815 187826 TTGCGTGCCTT 1285 +
JH584296.1 120886 120897 TTGCGTGCCTT 1285 +
JH584296.1 154503 154514 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 -
GL456354.1 130378 130389 TTGCGTGCCTT 1285 +
JH584298.1 160636 160647 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
JH584300.1 14213 14224 GTGCGTGCAAA 1313 +
JH584303.1 76391 76402 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 -
GL456212.1 117894 117905 TTGCGTGAGAA 1368 +
GL456212.1 139860 139871 GTGCGTGCCAC 1360 +
MU069435.1 619 630 TCGCGTGCGAG 1307 -
MU069435.1 30747 30758 GTGCGTGCGTG 1278 +
you can remove them like that:
# Define the directory containing the .bed files
# Loop through each .bed file in the directory
for file in "$directory"/*.bed; do
# Check if the file is a regular file
if [ -f "$file" ]; then
# Use grep to filter lines that begin with chr[1-19] or chr[X,Y]
grep -E '^chr([1-9]|1[0-9]|X|Y)\b' "$file" > "${file}.tmp"
# Overwrite the original file with the filtered content
mv "${file}.tmp" "$file"
echo "Processed $file"
Running diff TF is very easy if you use singularity (as recommanded by the authors)! The installation of diffTF and utilisation will not be cover here as their documentation is already well detailed, See documentation
The thing that you will need to update with your own genome assembly and new TFBS are listed here:
- In the confiFile.json
- refGenome_fasta: path/to/your/genomeAssembly.fa
- dir_TFBS: path/to/your/TFBS.bed
- HOCOMOCO_mapping: path/to/your/translationTable.csv (SYMBOL/ENSM/HOCOID)