This role will install Home Assistant based on the supervised installer this role will follow all mandatory steps as required in the requirements setup by Home Assistant.
Why this role? First of all it's fun to build, and i wanted more controle over the docker images i want to run in this environment. For instance i can manage my own images through ansible that are supportive to Home Assistant. For instance i will have more control over my PostgreSQL recorder or i can install/configure my pihole besides it.
This will contain all manual steps, and other need to knows during the build of this role. This role also includes some personal preferences of the author and has some initials steps that are already done as described in the prerequisites
Good to know:
- The default Home Assistant files you can find in:
- The supervisord dashboard can be found on port
- Home Assistant can be found on port
Packages needed to be installated on the server in order to execute this role are;
Install sudo manually in order to allow the example inventory:
apt install sudo
Create sudoers-file:
echo "username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/username
The server is configured with a static IP based on the default advised network configuration of the installer, the configuration can be found in, example;
This is an example inventory:
ansible_host: x.x.x.x
ansible_user: username
ansible_password: password
ansible_become_password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
ansible_become_user: "root"
This is an example playbook:
- hosts: homeassistant
gather_facts: true
become: true
- homeassistant