Latest docker image: mboussaa/haxe
Library documentation:
A docker image for non functional testing of Haxe code generators.
Hxmath library
A 2D/3D math library for Haxe implemented using abstracts for maximum compatibility with existing libraries (specifically OpenFL).
-Execution time
-Compilation time
-Memory usage
-CPU time
-docker version 1.6
1- install docker version 1.6
2- git clone /shared
3- cd /shared/
4- you can compile and run each benchmark program to a specific platform For example:
haxe test_cpp.hxml
This will compile to cpp target and run binaries. You can compile to other targerts using test_js or test_java etc...
1- If you want to compile all test suites and haxe libraries to different target platforms.
For that, we have prepared a compilation script. Thus, you have to run the following command:
docker run -it --rm -w /shared/ -v /shared:/shared --name=haxe mboussaa/haxe /bin/bash -c "./"
2- Time to run some test cases to specific target platform
docker run -w /shared/hxmath -it --rm -v /shared:/shared --name=haxe_run mboussaa/haxe /bin/bash -c "./ 1"
In this example, we compile test suite number 1 with java target. Available testsuites range from 1 to 9. you can modify the target by using for example or
1 - To build automatically and run all tests use:
This will compile all programs and run all tests. If you use this method you don't have to execute instructions descibed above.
-Automatic test data generation
-set monitoring components for haxe
-gather non-functional properties