docker compose with micro containers, one for each navitia's service
This repository is not actively maintained, and not ready for production use. It's currently for testing only, as far as Kisio Digital (ex CanalTP) is concerned.
You'll need docker and docker-compose (tested with docker v1.12.1 and docker-compose v1.8.1)
run them all
docker-compose up
you can then add some data in the default
The input dir in in tyr_beat
in /srv/ed/input/<name_of_the_coverage>
The easiest way is to copy the data via docker:
docker cp data/ navitiadockercompose_tyr_worker_1:/srv/ed/input/default/
is the name of the container, it can be different since it's dependant of the directory name.
(or you can change the docker-compose and make a shared volume).
Then you can query jormungandr:
If you need additional instances, you can use the docker-instances.jinja2
to generate another docker-compose file (if you want to do some shiny service discovery instead of this quick and dirty jinja template, we'll hapilly accept the contribution 😉 )
you'll need to install j2cli
pip install "j2cli[yaml]"
You need to provide the list of instances (the easiest way is to give it as a yaml file, check artemis/artemis_instances_list.yml for an example)
j2 docker-instances.jinja2 my_instances_list.yml > additional_navitia_instances.yml
Then you need to start the docker-compose with the additional instances
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f additional_navitia_instances.yml up
To add data to a given instance, you'll need to do:
docker cp data/ navitiadockercompose_tyr_worker_1:/srv/ed/input/<my_instance>
- move the tyr and kraken images to alpine 😉