Conveigh is a Windows PowerShell LLMNR/NBNS spoofer detection tool.
- The main Conveigh LLMNR/NBNS spoofer detection function.
- Elevated Administrator shell
- Generates and sends IPv4 LLMNR/NBNS requests with random or set hostnames
- Detects responses to sent IPv4 LLMNR/NBNS requests using a packet sniffer
- Optionally displays all received IPv4 LLMNR/NBNS requests using a packet sniffer
- File output
- Run time control
- CaptureRequests - Default = Disabled: (Y/N) Enable/Disable displaying and logging all received LLMNR/NBNS requests.
- IP - Specify a specific local IP address for listening. This IP address will also be used for LLMNR/NBNS spoofing if the 'SpooferIP' parameter is not set.
- Hostnames - Array of hostnames that will be randomly selected for LLMNR/NBNS requests. Hostnames must meet NBNS hostname requirements. If this parameter is not used, hostnames will be randomly generated.
- MaxSendRequestTime - Default = 30 Minutes: Set the maximum random time in minutes for sending LLMNR/NBNS requests.
- FileOutput - Default = Disabled: (Y/N) Enable/Disable real time file output.
- OutputDir - Default = Working Directory: Set a valid path to an output directory for log and capture files. FileOutput must also be enabled.
- RunTime - Default = Unlimited: (Integer) Set the run time duration in minutes.
- Tested minimums are PowerShell 2.0 and .NET 3.5
To import with Import-Module:
Import-Module ./Conveigh.ps1 -
To import using dot source method:
. ./Conveigh.ps1
To execute with default settings:
Invoke-Conveigh -
To import and execute with one line:
Import-Module ./Conveigh.ps1;Invoke-Conveigh -
To execute with parameters:
Invoke-Conveigh -Hostnames host1,host2,host3 -RunTime 8