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macro free typeclass composition over cheaply defined product and coproduct types


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Inspired by scalaz-deriving.

Provides macroless composition of covariant or contravariant typeclasses for product and coproduct types.

Given a set of types, produces a representation of Coproduct as nested disjunctions, as well as Product as a tuple. Also provides an inj method for lifting a compatible type into a Coproduct representation, and a lift method for lifting a compatible type into a Product representation when that Product is monoidal.

With an instance of Decidable, Alt, Divide, or Apply for a given typeclass, provides an instance for the corresponding Coproduct, or Product respectively.



import andxor._
import cats.{~>, Id, Show}
import cats.syntax.semigroup._

Construct an AndXor

val SIS = AndXor[String, Int, List[String]]
// SIS: AndXor3[String, Int, List[String]] = andxor.AndXor3$$anon$7@4b3b9bb5

Lift values into a coproduct

val cop1 = SIS.inj("foo")
// cop1: SIS.Cop[[A]Id[A]] = Left(value = "foo")
val cop2 = SIS.inj(2)
// cop2: SIS.Cop[[A]Id[A]] = Right(value = Left(value = 2))
val cop3 = SIS.inj(List("bar", "baz"))
// cop3: SIS.Cop[[A]Id[A]] = Right(value = Right(value = List("bar", "baz")))

Lift values into a product

val listProd = SIS.lift(List(4)) |+| SIS.lift(List("foo")) |+| SIS.lift(List(List("bar")))
// listProd: SIS.Prod[[A]List[A]] = (List("foo"), List(4), List(List("bar")))
val optionProd = SIS.lift(Option(4)) |+| SIS.lift(Option("foo")) |+| SIS.lift(Option(List("bar")))
// optionProd: SIS.Prod[[A]Option[A]] = (
//   Some(value = "foo"),
//   Some(value = 4),
//   Some(value = List("bar"))
// )

Derive typeclasses

// `Decidable[Show]` is provided for derivation over coproducts
implicit val showCop: Show[SIS.Cop[Id]] = SIS.derivingId[Show].choose
// showCop: Show[SIS.Cop[Id]] = cats.Show$$$Lambda/0x0000000802bce340@a566a2a
List(cop1, cop2, cop3).show
// res0: String = "List(foo, 2, List(bar, baz))"

// define a `Divide[Show]` for derivation over products
implicit val divideShow: Divide[Show] = new Divide[Show] {
  def contramap[A, B](fa: Show[A])(f: B => A): Show[B] = =>
  def divide2[A1, A2, Z](a1: Show[A1], a2: Show[A2])(f: Z => (A1, A2)): Show[Z] = { z =>
      val (x, y) = f(z) + ", " +
// divideShow: Divide[Show] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$1@1a92b5d9
implicit val showListProd: Show[SIS.Prod[List]] = SIS.deriving[Show, List].divide
// showListProd: Show[SIS.Prod[List]] = cats.Show$$$Lambda/0x0000000802bce340@7940b809
implicit val showOptionProd: Show[SIS.Prod[Option]] = SIS.deriving[Show, Option].divide
// showOptionProd: Show[SIS.Prod[Option]] = cats.Show$$$Lambda/0x0000000802bce340@568f2149
// res1: (String, String) = (
//   "List(foo), List(4), List(List(bar))",
//   "Some(foo), Some(4), Some(List(bar))"
// )

Convert between F[_]s using a ~>

FFunctor[SIS.Prod].map(listProd)(new (List ~> Option) {
  def apply[A](l: List[A]): Option[A] = l.headOption
// res2: SIS.Prod[[A]Option[A]] = (
//   Some(value = "foo"),
//   Some(value = 4),
//   Some(value = List("bar"))
// )
FFunctor[SIS.Prod].map(optionProd)(new (Option ~> List) {
  def apply[A](o: Option[A]): List[A] = o.toList
// res3: SIS.Prod[[A]List[A]] = (List("foo"), List(4), List(List("bar")))

Sequence a Prod or Cop into Id

FTraverseCop[SIS.Cop].sequence[Id, Option](SIS.inj(Option("foo")))
// res4: Option[SIS.Cop[Id]] = Some(value = Left(value = "foo"))
FTraverseProd[SIS.Prod].sequence[Id, Option](SIS.Prod((Option("foo"), Option(1), Option(List("bar")))))
// res5: Option[SIS.Prod[Id]] = Some(value = ("foo", 1, List("bar")))

Map given index of Cop or Prod

import andxor.either._
SIS.inj(Option(2)).run.map1( + "!"))
// res6: Either[Option[Int], Either[Option[String], Option[List[String]]]] = Right(
//   value = Left(value = Some(value = "2!"))
// )

import andxor.tuple._
SIS.lift(Option("foo")).run.map2( + "!")).map1(
// res7: (Option[Int], Option[String], Option[List[String]]) = (
//   Some(value = 3),
//   None,
//   None
// )

Extract specific type from Cop or Prod

SIS.extractC[Option, Option[String]](SIS.inj(Option("foo")))
// res8: Option[Option[String]] = Some(value = Some(value = "foo"))
SIS.extractC[Option, Option[Int]](SIS.inj(Option("foo")))
// res9: Option[Option[Int]] = None
SIS.extractP[Option, Option[String]](SIS.lift(Option("foo")))
// res10: Option[String] = Some(value = "foo")
SIS.extractP[Option, Option[Int]](SIS.lift(Option(1)))
// res11: Option[Int] = Some(value = 1)


macro free typeclass composition over cheaply defined product and coproduct types







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