Manuel Zimmermann | Data Analytics, Campus Ironhack Berlin - 12. March 2021
- Project Description
- Hypotheses / Questions
- Dataset
- Cleaning
- Model Training and Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Workflow
- Links
Over 900 learning course needs to be reviewed and migrated to a new software. The workforce is low and the level of effort is high. The purpose of this project is to help the Learning Team to decided wheter an exiting course is worth to relocate in a new Learning Record Store or not.
Can a machine learning algorithm decide if learning course is worth to keep and reduce the amount of courses that needs to be relocated?
- The dataset is build on multiple reports from the exicting software:
- Course_details.csv ~1150
- Completion_count.csv ~163.567
- Course_categoy.csv ~93
- User.csv ~6391
- site_log.csv ~385.682
- To manage the the reports a SQL Database was developed with multiple table
Before cleaning the data in Jupyter Notebook with pandas, I collected and prepeared the nessceary data from the SQL Database that I created.
connection_string = 'mysql+pymysql://root:' + password + '@localhost/clz'
engine = create_engine(connection_string)
data = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT
count(*) AS completion_count, c.course_category, cc.course_id, date_created, c.course_name, c.location
FROM course_completion cc
JOIN course c ON c.course_id = cc.course_id
WHERE Completion_Status IN ('Complete', 'In progress')
AND c.course_category != 'Archive' AND c.course_category != 'Sandbox'
GROUP BY Course_id;', engine
- Cleaning Porcess (Python (Numpy & Pandas))
- Header Standardization:
- Snake Casing for header standardization due to its simplicity. Snake Casing is a convention which replaces spaces with underscores and converts any upper-case letters to lower-case.
- Dtypes
- Assigning the right data types to the features.
- Assigning the right data types to the features.
- Checking for and removing NaN Value
- At this point I checked for the percentage of null values per column.
- Mostly NaNs are filled with 'Unkown' or 0.
- At this point I checked for the percentage of null values per column.
- Column Split
- Feature 'content' & 'tags' contains multiple strings. Both columns are encoded with
- Feature 'content' & 'tags' contains multiple strings. Both columns are encoded with
- Header Standardization:
Encoding Categoricals
- Categorical features
were encoded with pandas.astype('category')
- Categorical features
Scaling Numericals
- I opted to use a sklearn
due to the distribution shape being non-normal. It ensures that our variables are scaled to values within -4 and 12.
- I opted to use a sklearn
Cross Validation
- I used the Hyperparameter tuning
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
in order to determine the optimal values for a given model.
- I used the Hyperparameter tuning
Model Training
- Selecting Classifier:
- Evaluation Classification Report:
- Selecting Classifier:
Accuracy of LogisticRegression on test set: 0.84
[[17 4]
[ 2 15]]
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.89 0.81 0.85 21
1 0.79 0.88 0.83 17
accuracy 0.84 38
macro avg 0.84 0.85 0.84 38
weighted avg 0.85 0.84 0.84 38
Accuracy DecisionTreeClassifier on test set: 0.79
[[16 5]
[ 3 14]]
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.84 0.76 0.80 21
1 0.74 0.82 0.78 17
accuracy 0.79 38
macro avg 0.79 0.79 0.79 38
weighted avg 0.80 0.79 0.79 38
Accuracy RandomForestClassifier on test set: 0.84
[[18 3]
[ 3 14]]
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.86 0.86 0.86 21
1 0.82 0.82 0.82 17
accuracy 0.84 38
macro avg 0.84 0.84 0.84 38
weighted avg 0.84 0.84 0.84 38
- With the optimal parameters for the
I get an accuracy of 0.84 = 84%. In short, 8 of 10 are correct predicted. - Best paramters:
criterion = 'entropy',
max_depth = 12,
max_leaf_nodes = 4,
min_samples_split = 2,
n_estimators = 69
Gathering Data • Building SQL Database • Feature Selection • Cleaning • Scaling • Train&Test • HyperTuning • Applying Model • Visualization