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This is a wrapper for TurboPFor Integer Compression. The authors claim it to be the "Fastest Integer Compression", and support their claim with their own suite of benchmarks.

Michael Stapelberg performed an independent analysis: TurboPFor: An analysis (2019).

Please consider carefully the following


  • Critical buffer sizes: Write buffer of sufficient size must be allocated, otherwise turbopfor_rs may write beyond allocated memory resulting in segfaults. Likewise, when decoding, the input slice must be large enough to support decoding of the required number of integers, otherwise you get segfaults again.
  • License: GPL v2.

This crate will be published on when more tests are available. Feedback regarding successes or failures with this library is very welcome!

Tests were performed on Intel Intel Core i7 running Linux and MacOS.


A big thansk to Patrick Zippenfenig for sharing the the bugfix in vp4c.c, which is incorporated in turbopfor, now.


Cargo should automatically download, patch and build the turbopfor library.

cargo build
cargo test --release


First of all, add this line to the [dependencies] of your Cargo.toml:

turbopfor_rs = { git="", 
                 version="0.4" }

The functions enc, dec, denc, ddec, etc. have different variants depending on the register width that is used.

The phantom types associated with these widths are found in turbopfor_rs::codec:

  • W
  • W128v
  • W256

Each width implements the turbopfor_rs::codec::Width trait. Width has a function buf_size that returns the necessary output buffer size (in bytes) for a given input length. If the output buffer is too small you will get segfaults!

For each width the Codec trait provides the enc, dec, etc., encoder/decoder pairs.


use turbopfor_rs::codec::{W, Codec, Width};

fn main() {
    let input = vec![0,1,2,3,4,5,9,7,8,999999u32];
    println!("input: {:?}", &input);

    /// allocate output buffer
    let buflen: usize = W::enc_buf_size::<u32>(input.len());
    let mut output = vec![0u8; buflen];

    // encode
    let l = Codec::<W>::enc(&input, &mut output);

    println!("encoded: {:?}", &output[..l]);

You can also use the basic wrappers in turbopfor_rs::p4 directly.

Decoding works the same way, but note that you have to provide the number n of output integers you wish to decode:

fn dec(input: &[u8], n: usize, output: &mut [Self]) -> usize;

Buffer sizes!

Turbopfor does not perform any bounds checks and will read/write as far as it has to. This aspect is not documented and the statements in the Issues are ambiguous.

  • Encoding:

    • Allocate enough write buffer using W::enc_buf_size<T>::(n)

    • To the best of our knowledge Turbopfor will not read beyond the bounds of the input array

  • Decoding

    • Allocate 32 extra integers, or use W::dec_buf_len::<T>(n)

    • To the best of our knowledge Turbopfor will not read beyond the bounds of the input

You must ensure that the outputs is are long enough, otherwise you will get segfaults!

(Note: We are adhering to the naming convention that "size" refers to a number of bytes, whereas "len" refers to a number of items in an array of any type T.)

To illustrate the point, encode the array [0,1,2,3] and then decode it:

let input = vec![0u32, 1, 2, 3];                // encode this
let mut output = vec![0u32; input.len()+32];    // decode into this
let mut buf = vec![0u8; 1024];                  // generous buffer
// encode
let size_enc = Codec::<W>::enc(&input, &mut buf);
// decode
let size_dec = Codec::<W>::dec(&mut buf, input.len(), &mut output);
assert_eq!(size_enc, size_dec);
println!("{:?}", output);

The output Vec<u32> is

[0, 1, 2, 3,
 0, 0, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0]

Clearly, Trubopfor writes more than 4 u32s.


v0.4.1 introduces turbopfor_rs::generic that reorganizes the encoders and decoders under a single trait Encoding that has four implementations:

  • StandardEncoding for unsorted integer lists (using codec::dec and enc)
  • IncreasingEncoding for increasing integer lists (using codec::ddec and denc)
  • StrictlyIncreasingEncoding for strictly increasing integer lists (using codec::d1dec and d1enc)
  • ZigZagEncoding for unsorted integer lists (using codec::zdec and zenc)
    let input: Vec<T> = vec![4, 83, 23, 214, 255, 0, 2];
    let buf_len = StandardEncoding::<W, T>::enc_buf_size(input.len());
    let mut buf = vec![0u8; 1024];
    assert!(buf.len() >= buf_len);
    let size = StandardEncoding::<W, T>::encode(&input, &mut buf);
    println!("{}", size);

Having all functions under one trait facilitates generic programming. Otherwise there's nothing new, here.


bindings wrapper tests
bitpack y
eliasfano y
fp y
vint y
vp4 y

So far only the vp4 functions are wrapped. The fp floating point codecs seem interesting, but the experiments with icapp (see below) show no benefit whatsoever. We are probably using the fp functions incorrectly.

Turbpfor_rs internals


The TurboPFor header files are placed in the c_headers/ directory and manually sanitized (i.e. made fit for the very basic C parser used in

  • remove everything except for function decls and comments

  • replace /* */ comments with //

  • replace the unsigned type by unsigned int

  • remove pragmas such as __restrict

  • remove some unintelligible comments generates Rust source code:

  • python3 ic generates the the raw bindings found in src/

  • python3 lib generates the Rust wrapper in src/

The useful icapp utility

TurboPFor has a useful utlilty called icapp. It parses text (and binary?) files and performs compression and decompression using every available function. The main part of the output looks like this:

  E MB/s     size     ratio     D MB/s function integer size=32 bits (lz=lz4,1) unsorted -1 
 1781.21     647168  50.20%    8837.61   1:p4nenc32         TurboPFor                
 1836.46     647168  50.20%   26336.43   2:p4nenc128v32     TurboPForV               
 2239.92     645909  50.10%   28397.86   3:p4nenc256v32     TurboPFor256             
  920.97     729594  56.59%    3121.03   4:p4ndenc32        TurboPFor    delta       
  951.02     729594  56.59%    5308.80   5:p4ndenc128v32    TurboPForV   delta       
 1206.38     728054  56.47%    6623.52   6:p4ndenc256v32    TurboPFor256 delta       
  870.71     850501  65.97%    2929.67   7:p4nd1enc32       TurboPFor    delta1      

The utility also prints histrograms that show the distribution of "max bits" in the input. "Max bits" is the highest non-zero bit in the input value.

file: max bits histogram:
16:#################################################################################################### 100% 
file: delta max bits histogram:
00:############ 12% 
01:### 3.2% 
02:###### 6.4% 
03:########### 11% 
04:################# 17% 
05:#################### 20% 
06:######################## 24% 
07:#### 4.4% 
08:## 1.7% 
09: 0.1% 
10: 0.0001% 
17: 0.0001% 

Caveat: The very compact, really strangely formatted, sparsely documented 2000 line source code icapp.c seems to be work in progress.

The caveat nonwithstanding, here are a few usage tips:

  • Turn on maximum verbosity -v5 to see the parse result of the first 100 values

  • Unless the -f flag is used (see below) the input is converted to integers. For example ./icapp -v5 -Ft.4 floats.txt reads the text file floats.txt and transforms the input floats into integers by multiplying with 10000.

  • The -f4 -f8 flag switches on float mode. For example ./icapp -v5 -Ft.4 -f4 floats.txt reads the text file float.txt as single floats with 4 decimals.


Some notes on the original turbopfor library that were collected while writing the wrapper.

Function name convention

The library uses a compact naming scheme for its enc/dec/pack/unpack functions:

{vb | p4 | bit | vs}[n][d | d1 | f | fm | z ]{enc/dec | pack/unpack}[| 128V | 256V][8 | 16 | 32 | 64]:
code meaning
vb variable byte
p4 turbopfor
vs variable simple
bit bit packing
n high level array functions for large arrays.
code meaning
'' encoding for unsorted integer lists
'd' delta encoding for increasing integer lists (sorted w/ duplicate)
'd1' delta encoding for strictly increasing integer lists (sorted unique)
'f' FOR encoding for sorted integer lists
'z' ZigZag encoding for unsorted integer lists
code meaning
'enc' or 'pack' encode or bitpack
'dec' or 'unpack' decode or bitunpack
'NN' integer size (8/16/32/64)

Available Functions

The following width combinations are available:

enc/dec 8 16 32 64
- x x x x
128v x x
256v x


  • enc/dec128v64

  • in addition to enc/dec256v there is a 'w' version enc/dec256w

Alignment, input and buffer sizes

Information about buffer sizes is scattered all over the place:

Example from [Issue #25](recommended output buffer estimation · Issue #25 · powturbo/TurboPFor-Integer-Compression · GitHub):

static size_t encode(uint32_t *input, size_t n, FILE *f) {
    // 1 byte overhead per 128 integers
    unsigned char *out = malloc((n+127)/128+(n+32)*sizeof(uint32_t));
    size_t sz = p4nenc32(input,n,out);
    sz = fwrite(out, 1, sz, f);
    return sz;

int main() {
    uint32_t input[32] = {3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 333};
    size_t sz = encode(input, 10);
    fprintf(stderr, "encoded into %lu bytes\n", sz);


Rust wrapper for the turbopfor library







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