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new spout library
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new functionalities like render with shading from different workspaces and rendering alternative scenes and layers
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IASpaceAdmin committed Mar 21, 2022
1 parent 49a20a2 commit 0b4e2b9
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@@ -1,38 +1,35 @@
# Spout addon V1.3 for Blender 3.0.0
# Spout addon V1.3 for Blender 3.1.0

Spout for Blender allows to stream [spout]( streams from blender.

This works only for Windows 10 64 bit.

## Installation

Please make sure you have the most current Blender 3.0.0 installed.
Please make sure you have the most current Blender 3.0.x installed.

my personal preference to install addons:
1. [download]( the addon from the releases, unzip it and drop the 'spout' folder inside the addons-folder

1. create a folder called 'blender' inside documents (or any other name at a suitable location) and create the following folder structure inside:
The default addons folder is located here:

* scripts
* addons
* modules
- blender_3.0.x
└ blender.exe
└ 3.x
└ scripts
└ addons
└ modules

2. [download]( the addon, unzip it and drop the 'spout' folder inside the addons-folder
2. [download]( the Python SpoutGL-library (whl - file). Make sure you select the correct python version for your blender version -> [release notes]( -> Python API.

3. [download]( the Python SpoutSDK-library and drop it inside the modules-folder.

4. Make sure the current python version is installed and added to the Path environment variable. (Checkbox during the installation)

(if somebody knows a better way to deal with the library, please let me know, but putting it next to the _init__ files doesn't work)
3. Use 7-zip to unzip the library and drag the folder named 'SpoutGL' to the modules-folder inside your script folder.

inside blender:

4. Menu > Edit > Preferences > FilePaths > Data > Scripts > select the 'scripts' folder you created above.

5. restart blender.
4. restart blender.

6. Menu > Edit > Preferences > Add-addons
5. Menu > Edit > Preferences > Add-addons

7. Select tab 'TESTING'. you should now see the plugin called 'Render: Spout'
6. search for spout

8. Enable it, save preferences and close preferences.

Expand All @@ -46,18 +43,23 @@ The plugin adds a Panel to the Camera properties called 'Streaming Texture'. The

* The streaming name is fixed to the camera name.
* capture/streaming resolution.
* show preview
* use eevee color management (recomended)
* chose a workspace with the desired render / shading preferences
* chose a scene and layer setup to render

You should be able to create as many Cameras with streams as you wish.
If you desire to choose a scene and layer setup other than default, and this scene and layer has not yet been rendered by blender since you opened the blender file - blender will crash when you start streaming. Not sure if this constitutes as bug, maybe just a limitation of blender..

The render settings are currently taken from the main 3d View settings.
You should be able to create as many Cameras with streams as you wish.

## Syphon

No, this addon is unable to stream [syphon]( on OSX. But I had a chat with the syphon developers and it is feasible to make it happen, too. The only thing that is needed is an Objective-C -> Python wrapper, which is doable. But unfortunately this is beyond my development abilities. If you think you have the necessary skills, please contact me. I would like to see Syphon for Blender happening, too.
No, this addon is unable to stream [syphon]( on OSX. It is possible to do the same thing with syphon, though my tests showed dismal performances...

## Credits

Blender Plugin by Martin Froehlich.

### Special Thanks:
Obviously Lyn Jarvis for developing Spout in the first place. And without the [Spout for Python library]( developed by Ryan Walker and the valuable [hint]( from Jonas Dichelle I would still dab in darkness...
Obviously Lyn Jarvis for developing Spout in the first place. And without [SpoutGL for Python]( developed by Jason and the valuable [hint]( from Jonas Dichelle I would still dab in darkness...
132 changes: 100 additions & 32 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -16,79 +16,99 @@
"author" : "Martin Froehlich",
"description" : "Streaming Spout from Blender",
"blender" : (3, 0, 0),
"version" : (1, 3),
"version" : (2, 0),
"location" : "Properties > Camera > Camera data",
"warning" : "This plugin works only if the SpoutSDK.pyd is inside '~/scripts/modules' and Python39 is in the 'Path' user environment variable",
"warning" : "This plugin works only if the SpoutGL ( is inside '~/scripts/modules'",
"category" : "Render",
"wiki_url" : "",
"tracker_url" : "",
"support" : "TESTING"
"support" : "COMMUNITY"

import bpy
from bpy.types import Panel

import SpoutSDK
import SpoutGL
import bgl
import gpu
import uuid
import textwrap
from gpu_extras.presets import draw_texture_2d

#dictionary to store the references to
db_drawHandle = {} # the draw handler
db_spoutInstances = {} # the spout instance

# function for the draw handler to capture the texture from the perspective of the camera
def texshare_capture(self, context, camera, object, offscreen, spoutSender):
scene = context.scene
def texshare_capture(self, context, camera, object, space, region, scene, layer, offscreen, spoutSender, showPreview):
dWIDTH = camera.texshare.capture_width
dHEIGHT = camera.texshare.capture_height
applyCM = camera.texshare.applyColorManagmentSettings

view_matrix = object.matrix_world.inverted()

projection_matrix = object.calc_matrix_camera(
context.evaluated_depsgraph_get(), x=dWIDTH, y=dHEIGHT)['3DView'].areas[0].regions[0]


if showPreview:
draw_texture_2d(offscreen.color_texture, (10, 10), dWIDTH / 4, dHEIGHT / 4)

draw_texture_2d(offscreen.color_texture, (10, 10), 40, 40)

spoutSender.SendTexture(offscreen.color_texture, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, dWIDTH, dHEIGHT, True, 0)

spoutSender.sendTexture(offscreen.color_texture, bgl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, dWIDTH, dHEIGHT, True, 0)

# main function called when the settings 'enable' property is changed
def texshare_main(self, context):
global db_drawHandle
global db_spoutInstances

guivars =

# my database ID
dbID =
dbID = guivars.dbID

# if streaming has been enabled and no id has yet been stored in the db
if == 1 and dbID not in db_drawHandle:
# first we create a unique identifier for the reference db dicts
dbID = str(uuid.uuid1())

dWIDTH = guivars.capture_width
dHEIGHT = guivars.capture_height

# create a new spout sender instance
spoutSender = SpoutSDK.SpoutSender()
spoutSender.CreateSender(, dWIDTH, dHEIGHT, 0)
spoutSender = SpoutGL.SpoutSender()

# create a off screen renderer
offscreen = gpu.types.GPUOffScreen(dWIDTH, dHEIGHT)

mySpace = context.space_data
myRegion = context.region

for area in[guivars.workspace].areas:
if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
myRegion = area.regions[0]
for spaces in area.spaces:
if spaces.type == 'VIEW_3D':
mySpace = spaces

myScene =[guivars.scene]
myLayer = myScene.view_layers[guivars.layer]

# collect all the arguments to pass to the draw handler
args = (self, context,, context.object, offscreen, spoutSender)
args = (self, context,, context.object, mySpace, myRegion, myScene, myLayer, offscreen, spoutSender, guivars.preview)

# instantiate the draw handler,
# using the texshare_capture function defined above
Expand All @@ -101,14 +121,23 @@ def texshare_main(self, context):
# if streaming has been disabled and my ID is still stored in the db
if == 0 and dbID in db_drawHandle:
bpy.types.SpaceView3D.draw_handler_remove(db_drawHandle[dbID], 'WINDOW')
#removing my ID
db_drawHandle.pop(dbID, None)
dbID == "off"

# store the database ID again inside the settings = dbID

# helper method to render long texts in multiple lines inside a GUI panel
def _label_multiline(context, text, parent):
chars = int(context.region.width / 7) # 7 pix on 1 character
wrapper = textwrap.TextWrapper(width=chars)
text_lines = wrapper.wrap(text=text)
for text_line in text_lines:

class TEXS_PG_camera_texshare_settings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
enable : bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name = "enable",
Expand All @@ -132,22 +161,41 @@ class TEXS_PG_camera_texshare_settings(bpy.types.PropertyGroup):
description = "applies the current scenes color management settings"
capture_width : bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "capture width",
name = "Capture width",
default = 1280,
description = "Capture resolution width in pixels"
capture_height : bpy.props.IntProperty(
name = "capture hight",
name = "Capture hight",
default = 720,
description = "Capture resolution height in pixels"
dbID : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name ="database ID",
default= "off",
description = "referenceID for database")

description = "referenceID for database"
workspace : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name ="workspace",
default= "Layout",
description = "Workspace from which to use the Overlay and Shading properties"
scene : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name ="scene",
default= "Scene",
description = "Scene to render"
layer : bpy.props.StringProperty(
name ="layer",
default= "ViewLayer",
description = "Layer in Scene to render"
preview : bpy.props.BoolProperty(
name ="Preview",
default= 0,
description = "Show preview of streamed texture inside viewport"

class CameraButtonsPanel:
bl_space_type = 'PROPERTIES'
bl_region_type = 'WINDOW'
Expand All @@ -174,18 +222,38 @@ def draw(self, context):

layout.use_property_split = True = camera.texshare.enable = 1 - camera.texshare.enable

row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(, "name", text="Server name")

row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(camera.texshare, "applyColorManagmentSettings", text="Apply color managment")

row = layout.row(align=True)
row.prop(, "name", text="server name")
row.prop(camera.texshare, "applyColorManagmentSettings", text="apply color managment")
row.prop(camera.texshare, "preview", text="Show Preview")

col = layout.column()

sub = col.column(align=True)
sub.prop(camera.texshare, "capture_width", slider=True)
sub.prop(camera.texshare, "capture_height", slider=True)

row = layout.row(align=True)

col = layout.column()

sub = col.column(align=True)
text = 'Important: When selecting a Scene and Layer other than default: first open and view them before starting the streaming. otherwise blender will crash'

classes = (
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