Welcome to my corner of GitHub! I’m a passionate software developer and aspiring full-stack engineer, constantly diving into new technologies, learning from my projects, and growing as a coder. This is where I share the code I’ve been working on, along with some of the tools and technologies that excite me the most.
I’m passionate about building solutions that make life easier, whether it's through web development, automating workflows, or learning new programming languages. I focus on creating intuitive, seamless user experiences in front- and back-end systems.
Outside of coding, I'm an anime fan—Darling in the Franxx and Blue Box are some of my favorites for their emotional depth. I also dream of owning a software development business and creating tech solutions to help others. I’m always learning, growing, and chasing my goals.
- C & C++ — Exploring low-level programming to deepen my understanding of how computers work at a hardware level and to optimize my coding skills.
- GoLang — Building efficient APIs and diving into concurrency, perfect for scalable and high-performance systems. I’m focusing on developing robust, multi-step software for complex applications.
- ReactJS & Node.js — Enhancing my full-stack web development skills, building dynamic front-end interfaces and scalable back-end systems.
Coding is my way of turning ideas into reality. Whether it's creating a cool app to solve a problem or learning a new language for fun, I’m always looking to push my limits and expand my skills. I believe the best way to grow as a developer is to keep learning, building, and experimenting—so that's what I do.
Feel free to reach out if you want to talk about code, projects, or anything tech-related!