Right now to observe position and visibility of DOM elements we need to query DOM state and add listen to scroll event which causes recalculation of style and layout and causes performance issues.
Intersection Observer API provides an interface to get the position and visibility of DOM elements relative to a container element or to browser top level viewport.
Creating a IntersectionObserver
var observer = new IntersectionObserver(callback, options);
callback function fires whenever a given element crosses the threshold.
options is an object which can have following properties
root - it is the element relative to which element's intersection is calculated. By default it is browser top level viewport
rootMargin - rootMargin is the offsets applied to element's root that is used to calculate intersections. By default it is
"0px 0px 0px 0px"
threshold - threshold is a sorted array in increasing order. Each element of array is a ratio of intersection area to bounding box area of an observed target. Callback is fired when thresholds are crossed for a target. By default it is [0].
var elementsToObserve = [], observer;
fetch('http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts').then(res => res.json())
.then(posts => render(posts))
.then(() => {
observer = new IntersectionObserver(onChange, {
threshold: [1]
elementsToObserve.forEach(el => observer.observe(el));
function onChange(changes) {
changes.map(change => {
you can send a XHR that increases the view count of this particular post for now i'm
just logging the data-id attribute that i send while creating the div of each post
observer.unobserve(change.target); // unobserve the element after it's view is counted
function render(posts) {
posts.forEach(post => {
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.setAttribute("data-id", post.id);
var titleP = document.createElement('p');
titleP.textContent = "Title: " + post.title.repeat(5);
var bodyP = document.createElement('p');
bodyP.textContent = "Body: " + post.body.repeat(15);
This is a demo for counting views of a particular post in a list of posts.
First i fetch
random posts from an API and render them into the DOM. After that i create a new InteractionObserver object and set the threshold to [0.5]
so whenever any post crosses browser's top viewport by 50% callback is fired.
Inside the callback
function i logged each target element's id (you can send a XHR to server and increment the count of that post) and then unobserve the element so that callback is not fired again for that particular element.
This is just a simple demo of what you can do with InteractionObserver API
Some other examples:
Note: IntersectionObserver API currently is only supported in Chrome Canary