[Deprecated - IoT Edge V1]
Sample Application for deploying Microsoft Azure Edge functionality on a resin.io multicontainer device.
- Create an IoT Hub on your Azure Subscription
- Create an Edge Device and copy your Device Connection String
- Add a Device Variable in your resin.io application (dashboard or cli): AZ_IOT_EDGE_DEV_CONN <your-secret-device-connection-string>
- Clone this project and add your resin application repository with 'git remote add' and 'git push resin master'
- Check in Azure Portal if your Edge Device is connected and running (may take some time)
- Deploy a sample module like tempSensor, described here
- Subscribe to Device to Cloud (D2C) Messages on your IoT Hub and check if data is arriving
- Check docker storage-drivers on your system. This example is working with 'aufs'. For 'overlay2' resin base image has to be modified. (if you use resin-in-container)
- Check your firewall settings for AMQP-Connections (Port 5671). There should be a fallback in edgeAgent to WebSocket 443 (did not try)