This demo showcases the vector search similarity (VSS) with huggenface and OpenAI-GPT4 embedings.
The dataset was taken from the the following Kaggle links.
Before running the app, please install Docker first.
build redis-vector-db image
$ cd redis-vector-db $ docker build -t redis/redis-vector-db .
start the vector-db
$ docker-compose up -d redis-vector-db
Create python virtual env
$ python3 -m venv .venv $ source .venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r data/data-requirements.txt $ pip install -r app/requirements
Replace keys & path
- Replase the text "your openai api key" in the code to your openai key
- Config proper proxy server address or set to empty string if it's not needed
prepare data
- Download to gui/public/kk
- Update resources path and run prep_data.ipynb, this will generate data/procuct_metadata.json, and data/product_vectors.openai.json
start the backend service
$ cd app $ PYTHONPATH='.' python vecsim_app/ $ PYTHONPATH='.' python vecsim_app/
start the frontend
$ cd gui $ yarn $ yarn start
Navigate to
in a browser.
This app was built as a Single Page Application (SPA) with the following components:
- Redis Stack: Vector database + JSON storage
- FastAPI (Python 3.8)
- Pydantic for schema and validation
- React (with Typescript)
- Redis OM for ORM
- Docker Compose for development
- MaterialUI for some UI elements
- React-Bootstrap for some UI elements
- Pytorch/Img2Vec and Huggingface Sentence Transformers for vector embedding creation
Some inspiration was taken from this Cookiecutter project and turned into a SPA application instead of a separate front-end server approach.
This is project is forked from, the major changes are:
- Fix issues and make the code runable in local
- Removed unused codes
- Add OpenAI embeddings from comparison