Final project for CIS 194 at Penn
Samy Lanka and Max McCarthy
This project is a complete implementation of ML-style Hindley-Milner type
inference for the
Exp language, a restricted subset of the [polymorphic lambda calculus]
(, also known as System F. The Infer
module contains an implementation of Damas and Milner’s Algorithm W,
which forms the basis of type inference for many modern functional languages,
including Haskell and all dialects of ML.
To print the inferred types of all demonstration expressions in ghci
, run the
following commands:
> :l Demo
> demoAll
Otherwise, the demo
and typeOf
functions, defined in Demo.hs
, respectively, allow you to infer the types of arbitrary expressions.
– Definition of the Exp languageTypes.hs
– Definition of the type systemInfer.hs
– Implementation of type inferenceDemo.hs
– Some expressions to try it on!
We learned a substantial amount about type theory in order to complete this
project. Some concepts we encountered that were particularly interesting were
the untyped and simply typed lambda calculi, let
-polymorphism, monotypes
(type variables and arrow types) and polymorphic types (type schemes). We were
also introduced to typing rules and derivations.
In addition, we have a reasonable understanding of type unification and constraint-based typing schemes, both of which are fundamental to Algorithm W. Much of this came about by reading the articles mentioned in the bibliography below.
Finally, we have a much deeper appreciation for Haskell's extended type inference (which includes typeclasses) and the quality of its error messages!
Damas, Luis, and Robin Milner. “Principal Type-Schemes for Functional Programs.” 9th Symposium on Principles of programming languages (POPL'82), 1982. 207–212.
Heeren, Bastiaan, Jurriaan Hage, and Doaiste Swierstra. “Generalizing Hindley-Milner Type Inference Algorithms.” Technical Report UU-CS-2002-031, Utrecht University, 2002.