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Payment Profiles

paymentProfilesController := client.PaymentProfilesController()

Class Name



Create Payment Profile

Use this endpoint to create a payment profile for a customer.

Payment Profiles house the credit card, ACH (Authorize.Net or Stripe only,) or PayPal (Braintree only,) data for a customer. The payment information is attached to the customer within Advanced Billing, as opposed to the Subscription itself.

You must include a customer_id so that Advanced Billing will attach it to the customer entry. If no customer_id is included the API will return a 404.

Create a Payment Profile for ACH usage

If you would like to create a payment method that is a Bank Account applicable for ACH payments use the following:

"payment_profile": {
  "customer_id": [Valid-Customer-ID],
  "bank_name": "Best Bank",
  "bank_routing_number": "021000089",
  "bank_account_number": "111111111111",
  "bank_account_type": "checking",
  "bank_account_holder_type": "business",
  "payment_type": "bank_account"

Taxable Subscriptions

If your subscriber pays taxes on their purchased product, and you are attempting to create or update the payment_profile, complete address information is required. For information on required address formatting to allow your subscriber to be taxed, please see our documentation here

Payment Profile Documentation

Full documentation on how Payment Profiles operate within Advanced Billing can be located under the following links:

Create a Payment Profile with a Chargify.js token

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": 1036,
    "chargify_token": "tok_w68qcpnftyv53jk33jv6wk3w"

Active Payment Methods

Creating a new payment profile for a Customer via the API will not make that Payment Profile current for any of the Customer’s Subscriptions. In order to utilize the payment profile as the default, it must be set as the default payment profile for the subscription or subscription group.


Either the full_number, expiration_month, and expiration_year or if you have an existing vault_token from your gateway, that vault_token and the current_vault are required. Passing in the vault_token and current_vault are only allowed when creating a new payment profile.

Taxable Subscriptions

If your subscriber pays taxes on their purchased product, and you are attempting to create or update the payment_profile, complete address information is required. For information on required address formatting to allow your subscriber to be taxed, please see our documentation here


Some merchants use Braintree JavaScript libraries directly and then pass payment_method_nonce and/or paypal_email to create a payment profile. This implementation is deprecated and does not handle 3D Secure. Instead, we have provided Chargify.js which is continuously improved and supports Credit Cards (along with 3D Secure), PayPal and ApplePay payment types.


For more information on GoCardless, please view the following resources:

GoCardless with Local Bank Details

Following examples create customer, bank account and mandate in GoCardless:

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "Valid-Customer-ID",
    "bank_name": "Royal Bank of France",
    "bank_account_number": "0000000",
    "bank_routing_number": "0003",
    "bank_branch_code": "00006",
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "20 Place de la Gare",
    "billing_city": "Colombes",
    "billing_state": "Île-de-France",
    "billing_zip": "92700",
    "billing_country": "FR"

GoCardless with IBAN

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "24907598",
    "bank_name": "French Bank",
    "bank_iban": "FR1420041010050500013M02606",
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "20 Place de la Gare",
    "billing_city": "Colombes",
    "billing_state": "Île-de-France",
    "billing_zip": "92700",
    "billing_country": "FR"

Importing GoCardless

If the customer, bank account, and mandate already exist in GoCardless, a payment profile can be created by using the IDs. In order to create masked versions of bank_account_number and bank_routing_number that are used to display within Advanced Billing Admin UI, you can pass the last four digits for this fields which then will be saved in this form XXXX[four-provided-digits].

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "24907598",
    "customer_vault_token": [Existing GoCardless Customer ID]
    "vault_token": [Existing GoCardless Mandate ID],
    "current_vault": "gocardless",
    "bank_name": "French Bank",
    "bank_account_number": [Last Four Of The Existing Account Number or IBAN if applicable],
    "bank_routing_number": [Last Four Of The Existing Routing Number],
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "20 Place de la Gare",
    "billing_city": "Colombes",
    "billing_state": "Île-de-France",
    "billing_zip": "92700",
    "billing_country": "FR"

SEPA Direct Debit

For more information on Stripe SEPA Direct Debit, please view the following resources:

Stripe SEPA Direct Debit Payment Profiles

The following example creates a customer, bank account and mandate in Stripe:

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "24907598",
    "bank_name": "Deutsche bank",
    "bank_iban": "DE89370400440532013000",
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "Test",
    "billing_city": "Berlin",
    "billing_state": "Brandenburg",
    "billing_zip": "12345",
    "billing_country": "DE"

Stripe BECS Direct Debit

For more information on Stripe BECS Direct Debit, please view the following resources:

Stripe BECS Direct Debit Payment Profiles

The following example creates a customer, bank account and mandate in Stripe:

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "24907598",
    "bank_name": "Australian bank",
    "bank_branch_code": "000000",
    "bank_account_number": "000123456"
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "Test",
    "billing_city": "Stony Rise",
    "billing_state": "Tasmania",
    "billing_zip": "12345",
    "billing_country": "AU"

Stripe BACS Direct Debit

Contact the support team to enable this payment method. For more information on Stripe BACS Direct Debit, please view the following resources:

Stripe BACS Direct Debit Payment Profiles

The following example creates a customer, bank account and mandate in Stripe:

  "payment_profile": {
    "customer_id": "24907598",
    "bank_name": "British bank",
    "bank_branch_code": "108800",
    "bank_account_number": "00012345"
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "billing_address": "Test",
    "billing_city": "London",
    "billing_state": "LND",
    "billing_zip": "12345",
    "billing_country": "GB"

3D Secure - Checkout

It may happen that a payment needs 3D Secure Authentication when the payment profile is created; this is referred to in our help docs as a post-authentication flow. The server returns 422 Unprocessable Entity in this case with the following response:

    "jsonapi": {
        "version": "1.0"
    "errors": [
            "title": "This card requires 3DSecure verification.",
            "detail": "This card requires 3D secure authentication. Redirect the customer to the URL from the action_link attribute to authenticate. Attach callback_url param to this URL if you want to be notified about the result of 3D Secure authentication. Attach redirect_url param to this URL if you want to redirect a customer back to your page after 3D Secure authentication. Example: https://checkout-test.chargifypay.test/3d-secure/checkout/pay_uerzhsxd5uhkbodx5jhvkg6yeu?one_time_token_id=93&callback_url=http://localhost:4000&redirect_url= will do a POST request to https://localhost:4000 after credit card is authenticated and will redirect a customer to after 3DS authentication.",
            "links": {
                "action_link": "https://checkout-test.chargifypay.test/3d-secure/checkout/pay_uerzhsxd5uhkbodx5jhvkg6yeu?one_time_token_id=93"

To let the customer go through 3D Secure Authentication, they need to be redirected to the URL specified in action_link. Optionally, you can specify callback_url parameter in the action_link URL if you’d like to be notified about the result of 3D Secure Authentication. The callback_url will return the following information:

  • whether the authentication was successful (success)
  • the payment profile ID (payment_profile_id)

Lastly, you can also specify a redirect_url parameter within the action_link URL if you’d like to redirect a customer back to your site.

It is not possible to use action_link in an iframe inside a custom application. You have to redirect the customer directly to the action_link, then, to be notified about the result, use redirect_url or callback_url.

The final URL that you send a customer to complete 3D Secure may resemble the following, where the first half is the action_link and the second half contains a redirect_url and callback_url: https://checkout-test.chargifypay.test/3d-secure/checkout/pay_uerzhsxd5uhkbodx5jhvkg6yeu?one_time_token_id=93&callback_url=http://localhost:4000&redirect_url=

Example Redirect Flow

You may wish to redirect customers to different pages depending on whether their SCA was performed successfully. Here's an example flow to use as a reference:

  1. Create a payment profile via API; it requires 3DS
  2. You receive a action_link in the response.
  3. Use this action_link to, for example, connect with your internal resources or generate a session_id
  4. Include 1 of those attributes inside the callback_url and redirect_url to be aware which “session” this applies to
  5. Redirect the customer to the action_link with callback_url and redirect_url applied
  6. After the customer finishes 3DS authentication, we let you know the result by making a request to applied callback_url.
  7. After that, we redirect the customer to the redirect_url; at this point the result of authentication is known
  8. Optionally, you can use the applied "msg" param in the redirect_url to determine whether it was successful or not
    ctx context.Context,
    body *models.CreatePaymentProfileRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
body *models.CreatePaymentProfileRequest Body, Optional When following the IBAN or the Local Bank details examples, a customer, bank account and mandate will be created in your current vault. If the customer, bank account, and mandate already exist in your vault, follow the Import example to link the payment profile into Advanced Billing.

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

body := models.CreatePaymentProfileRequest{
    PaymentProfile:       models.CreatePaymentProfile{
        PaymentType:           models.ToPointer(models.PaymentType("bank_account")),
        CustomerId:            models.ToPointer(123),
        BankName:              models.ToPointer("Best Bank"),
        BankRoutingNumber:     models.ToPointer("021000089"),
        BankAccountNumber:     models.ToPointer("111111111111"),
        BankAccountType:       models.ToPointer(models.BankAccountType("checking")),
        BankAccountHolderType: models.ToPointer(models.BankAccountHolderType("business")),

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.CreatePaymentProfile(ctx, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "first_name": "Jessica",
    "last_name": "Test",
    "card_type": "visa",
    "masked_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1111",
    "expiration_month": 10,
    "expiration_year": 2018,
    "customer_id": 19195410,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "1",
    "billing_address": "123 Main St.",
    "billing_city": "Boston",
    "billing_state": "MA",
    "billing_zip": "02120",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": null,
    "payment_type": "credit_card",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": "handle",
    "disabled": false


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

List Payment Profiles

This method will return all of the active payment_profiles for a Site, or for one Customer within a site. If no payment profiles are found, this endpoint will return an empty array, not a 404.

    ctx context.Context,
    input ListPaymentProfilesInput) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
page *int Query, Optional Result records are organized in pages. By default, the first page of results is displayed. The page parameter specifies a page number of results to fetch. You can start navigating through the pages to consume the results. You do this by passing in a page parameter. Retrieve the next page by adding ?page=2 to the query string. If there are no results to return, then an empty result set will be returned.
Use in query page=1.
Default: 1
Constraints: >= 1
perPage *int Query, Optional This parameter indicates how many records to fetch in each request. Default value is 20. The maximum allowed values is 200; any per_page value over 200 will be changed to 200.
Use in query per_page=200.
Default: 20
Constraints: <= 200
customerId *int Query, Optional The ID of the customer for which you wish to list payment profiles

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

collectedInput := advancedbilling.ListPaymentProfilesInput{
    Page:       models.ToPointer(2),
    PerPage:    models.ToPointer(50),

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.ListPaymentProfiles(ctx, collectedInput)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

    "payment_profile": {
      "id": 10089892,
      "first_name": "Chester",
      "last_name": "Tester",
      "customer_id": 14543792,
      "current_vault": "bogus",
      "vault_token": "0011223344",
      "billing_address": "456 Juniper Court",
      "billing_city": "Boulder",
      "billing_state": "CO",
      "billing_zip": "80302",
      "billing_country": "US",
      "customer_vault_token": null,
      "billing_address_2": "",
      "bank_name": "Bank of Kansas City",
      "masked_bank_routing_number": "XXXX6789",
      "masked_bank_account_number": "XXXX3344",
      "bank_account_type": "checking",
      "bank_account_holder_type": "personal",
      "payment_type": "bank_account",
      "verified": true,
      "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
      "gateway_handle": "handle"
    "payment_profile": {
      "id": 10188522,
      "first_name": "Frankie",
      "last_name": "Tester",
      "customer_id": 14543712,
      "current_vault": "bogus",
      "vault_token": "123456789",
      "billing_address": "123 Montana Way",
      "billing_city": "Los Angeles",
      "billing_state": "CA",
      "billing_zip": "90210",
      "billing_country": "US",
      "customer_vault_token": null,
      "billing_address_2": "",
      "bank_name": "Bank of Kansas City",
      "masked_bank_routing_number": "XXXX6789",
      "masked_bank_account_number": "XXXX6789",
      "bank_account_type": "checking",
      "bank_account_holder_type": "personal",
      "payment_type": "bank_account",
      "verified": true,
      "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
      "gateway_handle": "handle"

Read Payment Profile

Using the GET method you can retrieve a Payment Profile identified by its unique ID.

Please note that a different JSON object will be returned if the card method on file is a bank account.

Response for Bank Account

Example response for Bank Account:

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10089892,
    "first_name": "Chester",
    "last_name": "Tester",
    "customer_id": 14543792,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "0011223344",
    "billing_address": "456 Juniper Court",
    "billing_city": "Boulder",
    "billing_state": "CO",
    "billing_zip": "80302",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "bank_name": "Bank of Kansas City",
    "masked_bank_routing_number": "XXXX6789",
    "masked_bank_account_number": "XXXX3344",
    "bank_account_type": "checking",
    "bank_account_holder_type": "personal",
    "payment_type": "bank_account",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": null
    ctx context.Context,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

paymentProfileId := 198

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.ReadPaymentProfile(ctx, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10088716,
    "first_name": "Test",
    "last_name": "Subscription",
    "masked_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1",
    "card_type": "bogus",
    "expiration_month": 1,
    "expiration_year": 2022,
    "customer_id": 14543792,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "1",
    "billing_address": "123 Montana Way",
    "billing_city": "Billings",
    "billing_state": "MT",
    "billing_zip": "59101",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": null


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError

Update Payment Profile

Partial Card Updates

In the event that you are using the, Stripe, Cybersource, Forte or Braintree Blue payment gateways, you can update just the billing and contact information for a payment method. Note the lack of credit-card related data contained in the JSON payload.

In this case, the following JSON is acceptable:

  "payment_profile": {
    "first_name": "Kelly",
    "last_name": "Test",
    "billing_address": "789 Juniper Court",
    "billing_city": "Boulder",
    "billing_state": "CO",
    "billing_zip": "80302",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "billing_address_2": null

The result will be that you have updated the billing information for the card, yet retained the original card number data.

Specific notes on updating payment profiles

  • Merchants with, Cybersource, Forte, Braintree Blue or Stripe as their payment gateway can update their Customer’s credit cards without passing in the full credit card number and CVV.

  • If you are using, Cybersource, Forte, Braintree Blue or Stripe, Advanced Billing will ignore the credit card number and CVV when processing an update via the API, and attempt a partial update instead. If you wish to change the card number on a payment profile, you will need to create a new payment profile for the given customer.

  • A Payment Profile cannot be updated with the attributes of another type of Payment Profile. For example, if the payment profile you are attempting to update is a credit card, you cannot pass in bank account attributes (like bank_account_number), and vice versa.

  • Updating a payment profile directly will not trigger an attempt to capture a past-due balance. If this is the intent, update the card details via the Subscription instead.

  • If you are using or Stripe, you may elect to manually trigger a retry for a past due subscription after a partial update.

    ctx context.Context,
    paymentProfileId int,
    body *models.UpdatePaymentProfileRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile
body *models.UpdatePaymentProfileRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

paymentProfileId := 198

body := models.UpdatePaymentProfileRequest{
    PaymentProfile:       models.UpdatePaymentProfile{
        FirstName:            models.ToPointer("Graham"),
        LastName:             models.ToPointer("Test"),
        FullNumber:           models.ToPointer("4111111111111111"),
        CardType:             models.ToPointer(models.CardType("master")),
        ExpirationMonth:      models.ToPointer("04"),
        ExpirationYear:       models.ToPointer("2030"),
        CurrentVault:         models.ToPointer(models.AllVaults("bogus")),
        BillingAddress:       models.ToPointer("456 Juniper Court"),
        BillingCity:          models.ToPointer("Boulder"),
        BillingState:         models.ToPointer("CO"),
        BillingZip:           models.ToPointer("80302"),
        BillingCountry:       models.ToPointer("US"),
        BillingAddress2:      models.NewOptional(models.ToPointer("billing_address_22")),

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.UpdatePaymentProfile(ctx, paymentProfileId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10088716,
    "first_name": "Test",
    "last_name": "Subscription",
    "masked_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1",
    "card_type": "bogus",
    "expiration_month": 1,
    "expiration_year": 2022,
    "customer_id": 14543792,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "1",
    "billing_address": "123 Montana Way",
    "billing_city": "Billings",
    "billing_state": "MT",
    "billing_zip": "59101",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": null


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorStringMapResponseException

Delete Unused Payment Profile

Deletes an unused payment profile.

If the payment profile is in use by one or more subscriptions or groups, a 422 and error message will be returned.

    ctx context.Context,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

paymentProfileId := 198

resp, err := paymentProfilesController.DeleteUnusedPaymentProfile(ctx, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Delete Subscriptions Payment Profile

This will delete a payment profile belonging to the customer on the subscription.

  • If the customer has multiple subscriptions, the payment profile will be removed from all of them.

  • If you delete the default payment profile for a subscription, you will need to specify another payment profile to be the default through the api, or either prompt the user to enter a card in the billing portal or on the self-service page, or visit the Payment Details tab on the subscription in the Admin UI and use the “Add New Credit Card” or “Make Active Payment Method” link, (depending on whether there are other cards present).

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

paymentProfileId := 198

resp, err := paymentProfilesController.DeleteSubscriptionsPaymentProfile(ctx, subscriptionId, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {

Verify Bank Account

Submit the two small deposit amounts the customer received in their bank account in order to verify the bank account. (Stripe only)

    ctx context.Context,
    bankAccountId int,
    body *models.BankAccountVerificationRequest) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
bankAccountId int Template, Required Identifier of the bank account in the system.
body *models.BankAccountVerificationRequest Body, Optional -

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

bankAccountId := 252

body := models.BankAccountVerificationRequest{
    BankAccountVerification: models.BankAccountVerification{
        Deposit1InCents:      models.ToPointer(int64(32)),
        Deposit2InCents:      models.ToPointer(int64(45)),

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.VerifyBankAccount(ctx, bankAccountId, &body)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10089892,
    "first_name": "Chester",
    "last_name": "Tester",
    "customer_id": 14543792,
    "current_vault": "stripe_connect",
    "vault_token": "cus_0123abc456def",
    "billing_address": "456 Juniper Court",
    "billing_city": "Boulder",
    "billing_state": "CO",
    "billing_zip": "80302",
    "billing_country": "US",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "bank_name": "Bank of Kansas City",
    "masked_bank_routing_number": "XXXX6789",
    "masked_bank_account_number": "XXXX3344",
    "bank_account_type": "checking",
    "bank_account_holder_type": "personal",
    "payment_type": "bank_account"


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Delete Subscription Group Payment Profile

This will delete a Payment Profile belonging to a Subscription Group.

Note: If the Payment Profile belongs to multiple Subscription Groups and/or Subscriptions, it will be removed from all of them.

    ctx context.Context,
    uid string,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
uid string Template, Required The uid of the subscription group
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

uid := "uid0"

paymentProfileId := 198

resp, err := paymentProfilesController.DeleteSubscriptionGroupPaymentProfile(ctx, uid, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {

Change Subscription Default Payment Profile

This will change the default payment profile on the subscription to the existing payment profile with the id specified.

You must elect to change the existing payment profile to a new payment profile ID in order to receive a satisfactory response from this endpoint.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

paymentProfileId := 198

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.ChangeSubscriptionDefaultPaymentProfile(ctx, subscriptionId, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10211899,
    "first_name": "Amelia",
    "last_name": "Example",
    "masked_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1",
    "card_type": "bogus",
    "expiration_month": 2,
    "expiration_year": 2018,
    "customer_id": 14399371,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "1",
    "billing_address": "",
    "billing_city": "",
    "billing_state": "",
    "billing_zip": "",
    "billing_country": "",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": null


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Change Subscription Group Default Payment Profile

This will change the default payment profile on the subscription group to the existing payment profile with the id specified.

You must elect to change the existing payment profile to a new payment profile ID in order to receive a satisfactory response from this endpoint.

The new payment profile must belong to the subscription group's customer, otherwise you will receive an error.

    ctx context.Context,
    uid string,
    paymentProfileId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
uid string Template, Required The uid of the subscription group
paymentProfileId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the payment profile

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

uid := "uid0"

paymentProfileId := 198

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.ChangeSubscriptionGroupDefaultPaymentProfile(ctx, uid, paymentProfileId)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response

Example Response (as JSON)

  "payment_profile": {
    "id": 10211899,
    "first_name": "Amelia",
    "last_name": "Example",
    "masked_card_number": "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1",
    "card_type": "bogus",
    "expiration_month": 2,
    "expiration_year": 2018,
    "customer_id": 14399371,
    "current_vault": "bogus",
    "vault_token": "1",
    "billing_address": "",
    "billing_city": "",
    "billing_state": "",
    "billing_zip": "",
    "billing_country": "",
    "customer_vault_token": null,
    "billing_address_2": "",
    "payment_type": "credit_card",
    "site_gateway_setting_id": 1,
    "gateway_handle": null


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException

Read One Time Token

One Time Tokens aka Advanced Billing Tokens house the credit card or ACH (Authorize.Net or Stripe only) data for a customer.

You can use One Time Tokens while creating a subscription or payment profile instead of passing all bank account or credit card data directly to a given API endpoint.

To obtain a One Time Token you have to use Chargify.js.

    ctx context.Context,
    chargifyToken string) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
chargifyToken string Template, Required Advanced Billing Token

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

chargifyToken := "chargify_token8"

apiResponse, err := paymentProfilesController.ReadOneTimeToken(ctx, chargifyToken)
if err != nil {
} else {
    // Printing the result and response


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ErrorListResponseException

Send Request Update Payment Email

You can send a "request payment update" email to the customer associated with the subscription.

If you attempt to send a "request payment update" email more than five times within a 30-minute period, you will receive a 422 response with an error message in the body. This error message will indicate that the request has been rejected due to excessive attempts, and will provide instructions on how to resubmit the request.

Additionally, if you attempt to send a "request payment update" email for a subscription that does not exist, you will receive a 404 error response. This error message will indicate that the subscription could not be found, and will provide instructions on how to correct the error and resubmit the request.

These error responses are designed to prevent excessive or invalid requests, and to provide clear and helpful information to users who encounter errors during the request process.

    ctx context.Context,
    subscriptionId int) (


Parameter Type Tags Description
subscriptionId int Template, Required The Chargify id of the subscription

Response Type


Example Usage

ctx := context.Background()

subscriptionId := 222

resp, err := paymentProfilesController.SendRequestUpdatePaymentEmail(ctx, subscriptionId)
if err != nil {
} else {


HTTP Status Code Error Description Exception Class
404 Not Found ApiError
422 Unprocessable Entity (WebDAV) ErrorListResponseException