Ensure that some code always executes exclusively, in the order it is called
- scopeObj - An object or string as scope
- fn(cb) - The function to call one at a time per scope, first argument is the
callback to call on completion, e.g.
function(done) { process.nextTick(done) }
- done - (Optional) Called when execution of the provided function has completed, called with same arguments as provided callback
- scopeObj - (Optional) An object or string as scope, default:
(global) - fn(..., cb) - cb as above. Other arguments passed from newFn.
- newFn(..., cb) - First arguments passed to fn, last argument callback
This is particularly useful if you have some asynchronous code that should not be executing concurrently, such as a cached database call, where calling it multiple times would result in the caching functionality not having an effect.
var synchronized = require('synchronized');
MyObject.prototype.fetchedDocument = function(id, cb) {
var self = this;
synchronized(self._documentCache, function(done){
// Return cached response if available
if (self._documentCache[id]) {
return done(null, self._documentCache[id]);
// Otherwise fetch
Model.findById(id, function(err, document){
if (err) {
return done(err);
self._documentCache[id] = document;
done(null, document);
}, cb);
If you are using passing multiple asynchronous functions to a flow-control library method, such as async.parallel(), and you have a dependency or other reason for wanting a subset of the executed functions not be called concurrently.
company: synchronized.fn(this.companyId, function(done){
// ... Other functions
companyManager: synchronized.fn(this.companyId, function(done){
person.fetchedCompany(function(err, company){
if (err) etc.
done(null, company.manager);
}, function(err, results){
if (err) etc.
// ...