Owlscript is a lexically scoped and dynamically typed interpreted procedural language.
Some features of note:
- native list type with many built in operations
- fist class functions
- closures
- struct types
- iteration with while and for loops, also supports recursive functions and data structures.
calculate fibonacci numbers
def fib(var n) {
if (n < 2) {
return 1;
} else {
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
List operations, such as map can be used both on named, or anonymous lists.
Using map operator on an anonymous list to get their fibonacci numbers:
let fibd := map([9,10,11,12,13], fib);
it does have closures:
def counter() {
let a := 0;
return &() { a := a + 1; return a; };
let c := counter();
println c();
Thanks to owlscripts simple struct types, implementing ADT's like binary search trees is a breeze:
struct tnode {
var key;
var left;
var right;
def insert(var tree, var v) {
if (tree == nil) {
tree := make tnode;
tree[key] := v;
tree[left] := nil;
tree[right] := nil;
} else {
if (v < tree[key]) {
tree[left] := insert(tree[left], v);
} else {
tree[right] := insert(tree[right], v);
return tree;