Popular sorting algorithms brought to life through data movement visualization
'M' - Top down mergesort w/ small array insertion sort
'B' - Bottom up mergesort
'T' - Tiled mergesort (bottom up)
'F' - Floyd's Heapsort
'H' - Heapsort
'Q' - Iterative Quicksort w/ small array insertion sort, median of medians
'A' - Recursive Quicksort - Hoare's partition, rightmost pivot.
'I' - Introspective Sort
'S' - Shellsort with Sedgewicks 3h+1 sequence
'N' - Insertion sort
'W' - Non-adaptive insertion sort
'E' - exchange sort
'C' - Cocktail shaker sort
'K' - Bubble sort
'L' - Selection sort
'R' - re-shuffle array using Knuth shuffle
*This project depends on SFML for graphics