Starting point for Arduino development using CMake #Thanks
- Install at least the Arduino IDE 1.6.5
- File > Preferences > Show verbose output --> activate compilation and upload
- For Arduino UNO
- Check the verbose ouput and remember the path to
- avr-gcc
- avr-g++
- avr-objcopy
- avrdude
- update the script/arduino_uno.cmake
- For Arduino M0/M0pro/Zero
- Check the verbose ouput and remember the path to
- arm-none-eabi-gcc
- arm-none-eabi-g++
- openocd
- flash_with_bootloader.ld
- arm-none-eabi-objcopy
- update the script/arduino_m0plus.cmake
- Check the project root CMakeList.txt
- include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/arduino_m0plus.cmake or
- include(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/scripts/arduino_uno.cmake
- Compile a demo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make demo_blink.upload # to upload compile, link and upload
make demo_flash.upload # to upload compile, link and upload
New cmake targets can be added by using the arduino macro.
##2015-09-05 Markus Bader
- Tested with Ardunio Zero
- arduino macros added
##2015-08-20 Markus Bader
- Works with Arduino IDE 1.6.5
- Tested with Ardunio UNO